Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



SPE - Spazio Performatico ed Espositivo

March, 29 - 30

Saturday 6pm
Sunday 7pm

El abrazo partido

Daniel Burman
Argentina, 2004, 99’

2014 Labraccio perduto

In economically depressed Buenos Aires, young Ariel Makaroff wants to get a Polish passport in order to emigrate to Europe. His mother runs a small lingerie shop and his father moved to Israel, having abandoned him during the Yom Kippur War. When his father returns to Argentina, Ariel finds out why he had left.

Daniel Hendler, Rosita Londner, Jorge D’Elía, Adriana Aizemberg

Bangkok World Film Festival — best picture
Berlin International Film Festival — Silver Bear, best actor for Daniel Hendler, Jury Grand Prix, best director
Lleida Latin American Film Festrival — best director, best film, ICCI screenplay award
larín Awards — best film, best film screenplay, best supporting actress for Adriana Aizemberg
Argentine Film Critics Association — Silver Condor, best supporting actress for Adriana Aizemberg


Saturday 9pm
Sunday 4pm


Javier Fuentes-León
Peru, 2009, 100’

2014 Contracorriente

An unusual ghost story set on the Peruvian seaside. Miguel is a handsome, young and beloved fisherman in a small fishing village in Peru, where the community has deep-rooted religious traditions. Miguel is married to Mariela, who is pregnant with their firstborn, but Miguel keeps a secret love affair with another man, Santiago, a painter from the capital. When Santiago drowns accidentally in the undertow, he cannot pass peacefully to the other side. He returns after his death to ask Miguel to look for his body and bury it according to the rituals of the town. Miguel must choose between sentencing Santiago to eternal torment or doing right by him and, in turn, revealing their relationship to Mariela and the entire village. Miguel is forced to deal with the consequences of his acts an to come to terms with who he really is, even if by doing so he stands the chance of losing the people he loves the most.

Cristian Mercado, Manolo Cardona, Tatiana Astengo

Best picture by Consejo Nacional de Cinematografia, Peru



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