Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



Kind of Blue video view


concept, direction,video and scenery  Cecilia Bertoni
music, sounds and noises   Carl G. Beukman
assistant director  Alice Mollica
astronaut  Mauro Carulli
in the films  Cecilia Bertoni, Carl G. Beukman, Marco di Campli San Vito,
Marialucia Carones, Serge Cartellier Serena Gatti, Claire Guerrier, Piero Leccese, Mees, Luigi Petrolini, Didi & Gogo
text  Cecilia Bertoni, Mauro Carulli and the performers.
Friedrich Nietzsche – Thus Spoke Zarathustra, “The Wanderer” | voice for the English version Charlotte Zerbey, voice for the German version Cecilia Bertoni, voice for the Italian version Mauro Carulli
costume  Rosanna Monti
technical direction  Paolo Morelli and BAM Association
props and fittings  Cipriano Menchini, Paolo Morelli

short movies
camera  Mauro Carulli
IPOD videos  Cecilia Bertoni, Serge Cartellier, Claire Guerrier, Mees
editing  Mauro Carulli, Cecilia Bertoni

green screen film
camera, editing and post-production  BAM Association, Paolo Morelli, Luca Telleschi

an Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio production

produced in 2011-2013
duration:  50 min - The performance has not been registered with S.I.A.E. (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers)

Kind of Blue

Kind of Blue _DSC8672.jpgKind of Blue _DSC8511.jpgKind of Blue visti_da_dietro_specchiata.jpgKind of Blue carl_ritorna_nudo.jpgKind of Blue _DSC8703.jpgKind of Blue P1020243.jpgKind of Blue kind_of_blue_5.jpgKind of Blue acqua_blu-1.jpgKind of Blue facce_nei_piatti_per_libro.jpgKind of Blue _DSC8680.jpgKind of Blue kind_of_blue_2.jpgKind of Blue _DSC8580.jpgKind of Blue serge_e_cec_scritte_2.jpgKind of Blue _DSC8532.jpgKind of Blue facce_nei_piatti-2.jpgKind of Blue P1020812.jpgKind of Blue vestiti_appesi.jpgKind of Blue diroccati_sovrapposizioni_2.jpgKind of Blue _DSC8641.jpgKind of Blue diroccati_tutto_2.jpgKind of Blue _DSC8630.jpgKind of Blue P1020239.jpgKind of Blue vestiti_fine.jpgKind of Blue _DSC4183.jpgKind of Blue diroccati_entrata_2.jpgKind of Blue scalinata_intero.jpgKind of Blue kind_of_Blue_1.jpgKind of Blue P1020875.jpgKind of Blue _DSC8462.jpgKind of Blue _DSC8579.jpgKind of Blue _DSC8491.jpgKind of Blue _DSC4147.jpgKind of Blue kind_of_blue_3.jpg

Kind of Blue is conceived as the third part of the Trilogia dell’Assenza (Trilogy of Absence). The director, Cecilia Bertoni, creates video portraits exploring the artists and collaborators of the preceding shows, now however, as people without a role, just as themselves. The director explores their physical and mental obsessions and their relationship to the creative act. They talk about their secrets and their bodies as imperfect casings. The bathrooms of their own homes become the places in which their secrets, their follies and their disappointments become explicit, while a kitchen becomes the nerve centre of the creation, but also the prelude and the epilogue of an endless wait.

The audience, seated on a scaffold, is enveloped by scrolling images of the video installation and views from above the blue earth as seen from a distance, the theatre of action of fragmented bodies. Live on stage, a turret and an astronaut who sees all this as a kind of afterlife. In a seemingly arbitrary manner he associates the terrestrial stories, his favourite game, as an evaluation of what he misses the most in the spatial dimension: people? grace? or an upright and impartial judge who sets him on the right path? He no longer knows the difference between what is true and what is false, what is real and what is fictitious, what is incarnate and what is not, what is past and what is present. A thread woven into the scene is a text by F. Nietzsche, about the pursuit of individuality, which rises impervious and strongly solitary.

Kind of Blue is a stand-alone performance. To further explore the themes of the performance, the director has published a journal that contains notes of her work with the performers, consisting of texts, images and drawings.

portfolio 1  Download PDF

The debut performance took place on 17 May 2013 at the preview of Trilogia dell’Assenza at the Tenuta dello Scompiglio in Vorno. Kind of Blue was performed at the XXI season of Fabbrica Europa (Stazione Leopolda, Florence) from 15 to 18 May 2014.




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