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Dello Scompiglio



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The Feldenkrais® Method

when we move
Movement influences all the ways we relate to our environment. And it is through movement that we relate to people, objects, and situations. Our way of moving says a lot about our habits and thoughts, and about the way we see ourselves. Even so, we are not always aware of our movements: in our everyday lives - at the gym, or when we go upstairs or walk - we tend to apply patterns and conventions we have picked up automatically, without even noticing.

movement as a way of discovery
The Feldenkrais® method focuses on the body and on the potential of each individual, placing them at the centre of an educational process accomplished with the help of a teacher. The Feldenkrais® is neither gymnastics nor therapy, and it always respects the characteristics and needs of each person. It is a journey of personal exploration, during which participants are able to enter into a close relationship with their own way of moving, increasing their self-awareness, and finding out about their own resources and learning to use them.

benefits and usefulness of the Feldenkrais® method
Improving the quality and efficiency of movement, even in the most mundane everyday activities. Responding with greater ease and promptness to all situations and circumstances. Discovering a way of moving and acting that is more free, flexible, and personal. There are countless positive and significant effects that can be experienced by practising this activity and they are closely bound to our own personal objectives.The Feldenkrais® method promotes overall psychophysical well-being and, for this reason, can be practised by everyone: children, adults, and the aged.
It is of great assistance in cases of stress, pain, trauma, neurological disorders, and limited mobility. Since it helps improve physical performance and creative individual expression, it is ideal for dancers, actors, and singers, as well as for all those who practise sport. Its direct benefits include relief from muscular tension, improvement of sleep and breathing, and greater vigour.

intelligent body, flexible mind
The Feldenkrais® method improves the quality of life through movement. Based on a positive and natural concept of movement, the Feldenkrais® method considers the body and mind as a single system and, through gradual physical activity within the reach of everyone, it reactivates the instinctive intelligence of the body, stimulating the nervous system and improving emotional and thought processes.

Cecilia Bertoni, a member of the Associazione Italiana Insegnanti Metodo Feldenkrais® (Italian Association of Feldenkrais® Method Teachers), takes both group and one-to-one lessons.  In the group lessons, movements are gentle and never forced, the motor sequences gradually becoming more complex over the course of the exercise yet remaining comfortable and non-tiring. During the one-to-one lessons, the student, usually lying on a low bed, undergoes a non-invasive manual manipulation designed to focus attention on and improve functional organisation. Participation requires only comfortable clothing.  If you are not able to attend the classes on Mondays, please suggest alternative days or hours by email. If there is enough demand, it may be possible to form a new class.

Intensive seminars or weekends, for the general public or specifically oriented towards actors, performers and dancers, are also possible. Please request further information by email.

Cecilia Bertoni
Born in Italy and lived in Brazil, Switzerland and England. Through the diversity of these cultures and a varied education and training in the arts (dance, theatre, music, art therapy), was born the eclecticism of her interests and many activities. She qualified as a teacher of the Feldenkrais® Method at the end of her professional training in Biel (Switzerland) in 2005.

Moshe Feldenkrais
Born in Ukraine, Moshe Feldenkrais (1904 – 1984) lived and worked in many countries throughout the world, Israel, France, England, United States, where he absorbed and developed a huge variety of cultural influences. An eclectic personality, driven by curiosity and inexhaustible vivacity, he dedicated himself to the most diverse fields of knowledge, from education to mechanical and electrical engineering, physics, sport and martial arts (he was a student of Jigoro Kano, and was the first black belt in Judo in Europe). The Feldenkrais® method grew from his scientific and humanistic knowledge, and was the result of practical work on thousands of people. The students of Moshe Feldenkrais include David Ben Gurion, Margaret Mead, Peter Brook, Yehudi Menuhin, Leonard Bernstein, and Moshe Dayan.


If you are interested, please email or call

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