Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



1200x400 RAGAZZI 01

Paths of Fairy Tales

Summer festival dedicated to children and families: rediscover nature through art and open-air play

This year, the Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio presents a summer season dedicated to children and families; two open-air weekends with various events, including creative and nature workshops, themed walks and theatre shows in the outdoor spaces of the Tenuta. An opportunity for children to play outside the domestic sphere and for everyone to rediscover the nature of the estate, where majestic trees, nymphaea, and wooded areas alternate with vineyards and agricultural areas, different environments and forms in a single garden. The festival has been made possible thanks to the contribution from the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio, Lucca. The festival will be held on 11 and 12 June and on 17 and 18 September.

June Programme:

Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 June 2022

10.30 A.M.
Promenade show in nature
Il racconto degli alberi (The Tale of the Trees)
conceived and directed by Marta Mingucci (Natura-Teatro), live music by Siro Achille Nicolazzi.

Il racconto degli alberi is a live and mobile show, a walk in a sensitive forest. Story, movement, images, objects and sounds lead to the discovery of the world, through the point of view of the trees. This show gives the public the opportunity to observe and listen poetically to small and wonderful details and signs that usually escape us, swallowed up by the frenetic rush of the everyday. The elements of the landscape themselves will come to life, tell their stories and show their souls in an empathetic way.
Recommended age: everyone aged 7+

10.30 A.M.
Il teatro delle quisquilie
Storie col sorriso (Stories with a smile)
Readings by Massimo Lazzeri

What is more beautiful than seeing children laugh and smile?
In recent years, many illustrated books have been published that tell funny stories, sometimes bizarre, unpredictable, comic and surprising.
So we should take advantage of that, fish with both hands among all these books and read them to the children, making them laugh and laughing with them!
Recommended age: children aged 3 - 10

3.00 P.M.
Caccia ai tesori della Natura (Nature Treasure Hunt)
Nature walk and workshop with Serena Scalici

During the Nature Treasure Hunt, children will take an exploratory walk in search of the wonders of nature and afterwards will be guided in creating a collage with the natural materials collected.
Recommended age: everyone aged 5+

3.00 P.M.
Insetti d’autore (Unique insects)/Artebambini
Workshop with Irene Ferrarese

During the workshop, natural and waste materials will give life to the most bizarre “insects” ever seen. The created “artistic insects” will “invade” trees, plants, gardens.
Recommended age: children aged 5 -10

6.00 P.M.
Il teatro delle quisquilie
Storie di Gianni (Gianni’s Stories)
Teens’ and children’s theatre show
The show is inspired by the book “Favole al Telefono” (Telephone Tales) by Gianni Rodari
lighting and scenery by Andrea Coppi
dramaturgy, songs, arrangement, performance and direction Massimo Lazzeri

More than 50 years have passed since the first publication of “Telephone Tales”, a collection of stories full of inventiveness and plot twists, the result of that “fantasy” that Gianni Rodari treated almost like a muscle to be trained, or rather, put on the same level as grammar, which imposes rules to learn, but which in this case can be disobeyed, personalised, invented and reinvented. On stage an actor-narrator-storyteller who, with the help of songs and other small theatrical arquebuses, tells some of these stories, with the simplicity they require and which, we like to think, the author would have appreciated too.

Recommended age: children aged 4 - 10
Live action theatre with live music

Sunday 12 June, at 9.30 P.M.  SOLD OUT

Lucciola lucciola vien da me…
Nocturnal walk aimed at the observation of fireflies, guided by the entomologist Malayka Picchi

Thematic walk to discover the fireflies that live within the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, during which the entomologist will talk about interesting aspects of the life of these extraordinary insects.

Recommended age: everyone
Max 20 participants
Before taking part in this event, at 8.00 P.M., you can enjoy an aperitif at the restaurant Cucina Dello Scompiglio. Special price of the aperitif: 15,00 euros per person.

Ticket Price

All day admission fee: € 10,00 adults- € 7,00 children

The ticket includes the visit to the permanent installations.

All activities will be held in compliance with the latest anti-Covid regulations.

Reservation is required.

Some activities include uphill paths. Sports footwear with trekking sole is required.

Contacts and Reservations

SPE Ticket Office - Performance and Exhibition Space
tel. +39 0583 971125
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Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio
Via di Vorno, 67 – Vorno, Capannori (LU) Italy
tel. +39 0583 971475
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