Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



SPE - Spazio Performatico ed Espositivo

Sunday 19 October 2014
3.30 p.m.


Fortunato e i tre capelli d'oro dell'orco
(The Giant with the Three Golden Hairs)
a Brothers Grimm fairy tale


by and with  Alberto De Bastiani 
live music  Paolo Forte  
set design and puppets  Jimmy Davies  

Recommended age: all

There once was a poor woman who gave birth to a boy and since he was born under a lucky star, it was foretold that when he was fourteen he would marry the king’s daughter. 

A short time later the king came to this village, heard about the prophecy and decided that this child would never marry his daughter...

So begins this fairy tale from the stories of the Brothers Grimm, a fairy tale that should be better-known, a fairy tale that speaks to adults and children, told, sung and animated by Alberto De Bastiani and Paolo Forte. Storytelling, puppets, animated pictures, live music, juggling and magic are the ingredients used to tell this story in which the “old” (represented by the giant and the king) have to give way to the new man, the lucky child.




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