Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




Sabrina Mezzaqui
La vulnerabilità delle cose preziose

winning project of the open call Of Death and Dying


UNTIL 26 MAY 2019

Sabrina Mezzaqui   Autobiografia del rosso   2017  
Corurtesy the artist 
Galleria Continua, San Gimignano / Beijing
/ Les Moulins / Habana  
Photo by Ela Bialkowska, OKNO Studio

The Artist-in-Residence programme open to the public: 15-27 April
The outcome of the Artist-in-Residence programme will be on display from 27 April until 26 May

Two weeks at the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio in which I share the creation of a work (maybe re-making a book, or a simple, slow manual skill, or the practice of silence and concentration?) with a small group of people, with whom I regularly collaborate and with whom I share interests, practices and sensibilities such as other artists, photographers, art historians, poets, and publishers.
I would like it to work on a drop-in basis, receiving welcome guests. In the room at the entrance will be outline sketches of thoughts and creations: open books, underlined phrases, swatches, small artifacts, watercolours, drawings, notes, notebooks, images, single words... We will perform a very slow, almost imperceptible action every day (e.g. walk 100 metres in one hour, or eat an apple over half an hour, or stand still for 15 minutes in the rain); paint a watercolour a day on the same subject, such as a tree; begin a manual copy of the notebooks of Etty Hillesum (there are eleven); search for death in the words of cherished poets; ask for help from masters of meditation, therapists, and spiritual guides in order to face or accompany death and invite them to these conversations.

In the company of these books:

Etty Hillesum, Diario 1941-1942, Adelphi
I Padri della Chiesa, L’atto del leggere, Qiqajon
Vimala Thakar, L’arte di morire vivendo, Ubaldini
Gregory e Mary Catherine Bateson, Dove gli angeli esitano, Adelphi;
Frank Ostaseki, Cinque inviti, Mondadori
Heinrich Zimmer, La via del Sé, Laterza
Yasunari Kawabata, Mille gru, SE
Jisei – poesie dell’addio, SE
Antonella Anedda, Salva con nome, Mondadori
Milo De Angelis, Poesie, Mondadori
Franca Mancinelli, Pasta madre, Aragno
Elisa Biagini, Da una crepa, Einaudi
Mariangela Gualtieri, Le giovani parole, Einaudi
Chandra Livia Candiani, Bevendo il tè con i morti, Interlinea

(Sabrina Mezzaqui)

Sabrina Mezzaqui - La vulnerabilità delle cose preziose

Sabrina Mezzaqui - La vulnerabilità delle cose preziose DSC_8689.jpgSabrina Mezzaqui - La vulnerabilità delle cose preziose DSC_8672.jpgSabrina Mezzaqui - La vulnerabilità delle cose preziose mezzaqui019.jpgSabrina Mezzaqui - La vulnerabilità delle cose preziose mezzaqui020.jpgSabrina Mezzaqui - La vulnerabilità delle cose preziose mezzaqui004.jpg



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