Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



2022 1200x300 Campo Dello Scompiglio 01

Dello Scompiglio Camp

12-16 JUNE, 19-23 JUNE AND 26-30 JUNE 2023

Children's Camp offers moments of play and activity, devised for primary school children: three weeks during which children can experience the world of Dello Scompiglio and be the protagonists of their own holiday, learning to respect and welcome others in their diversity. 

Immersed in a place of extraordinary landscape and naturalistic value and located off the beaten track, the children will be looked after by expert trainers in the field of pedagogical art, with the collaboration of the staff of the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio and the Cucina restaurant. 

Through the language of play, theatre and art the children will be led to discover places, crafts and activities that characterise the estate and make it the ideal space for a journey of exploration, to expand their skills and knowledge, to stimulate and enrich the abilities of each one, and find new fields of play and meet others.

The camp is aimed at a maximum of 25 children per week and there will be 4 educators per week. 

Among the many activities scheduled, it is now customary to build the “Scompiglio Town", a village in the woods with its own houses and services, where the children experience the "community game". The camp also includes artistic workshops led by various educators, from painting to musical activities, from theatre to the construction of small ancient games. Once a week, the children are involved in the preparation of pizza, bread or biscuits, together with the kitchen staff. 

Finally, on the Friday before the goodbyes, parents will be invited to “Scompiglio Town” to spend some time with the children. The camp may also include short trips outside the estate, weather permitting. All the organic meals will be prepared by the Cucina Dello Scompiglio restaurant.

Information and cost

Children's Camp will take place from Monday 12 to Friday 16 June, from Monday 19 June to Friday 23 June and ffrom Monday 26June to Friday 30 June, starting at 8.30 AM till 4.30 PM.

Children’s age: dedicated to 6-10 years old children

Prices: 140.00 euros per week per participant, including morning break and lunch by Cucina Dello Scompiglio or packed-lunch in case of full day excursion.

Each participant can attend maximum 2 weeks.

Project overseer: Marialucia Carones

Educators: Marco Conti (overseer), Carla Taglietti, Giuseppe Mortelliti, Sara Frassine, Federica Migliotti. With the advice of Fabio Alessandri

Students in traineeship attending the high school “L.A. Paladini” - Liceo delle Scienze Umane in Lucca, tutored by the teacher Claudia Giorgi.

Organisation assistants: Salvina Rosso, Michela Giovannelli, Elisa Di Meo

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Contacts and registration

Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio
Via di Vorno, 67 - 55012 Vorno, Capannori (LU) Italy
ufficio: tel. +39 0583 971475 - fax +39 0583 971661
Salvina Rosso: cell +39 338 7884145
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