Dello Scompiglio



For customer complaints

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Defective goods / damaged shipments

For damaged goods

  • Damaged goods may be returned to Tenuta Dello Scompiglio within 10 days after delivery
  • Shipment and packing costs for returning defective goods shall be borne by the customer
  • Defective goods shall be replaced by Tenuta Dello Scompiglio with the same articles, or if they are no longer in stock, with an article of the same value

For damaged shipments

  • If the order is made up of a number of items, return to sender only damaged packages by signing the courier’s transport document and including the wording “with reservation”
  • If the order is made up of only one item, which has been damaged, return the entire package to sender

If goods to replace damaged one are out of stock, you will be contacted for a replacement, and if you do not find an alternative product in our catalogue Tenuta Dello Scompiglio shall reimburse the sum you have paid.
Any shipment costs for the return of damaged packages and for the delivery of replacement articles shall be exclusively our responsibility.

Right of withdrawal

Purchases on the shop website are subject to the regulations defined by Legislative Decree 206/05, which guarantees the right of withdrawal, for any reason, from the purchasing contract.

Conditions for the right of withdrawal:

  • Purchased goods must be substantially intact
  • The right of withdrawal is only reserved for natural persons, thereby excluding purchases made by retailers or persons in any capacity that buy goods for re-sale to third parties
  • The shipment costs for returned goods shall be borne by customers
  • When goods arrive at our warehouse they are checked to assess any damage or tampering (the substantial intactness of returned goods is an essential condition for exercising the right of withdrawal). We therefore recommend paying the maximum amount of attention when packing goods, and we recommend using original packagingor other packaging that is certified for the shipment of bottles
  • In order to exercise this right a communication must be sent declaring that it is being exercised, and the goods must be returned within 15 days of this communication

The procedure that must be followed

A declaration that you wish to exercise your right to cancel the order, to be sent via e-mail to the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 10 days of receiving the goods you ordered. The declaration must contain the following data:

  • Order number and date
  • Invoice number
  • Identification code for the articles you are returning as described in the invoice 
  • Your bank details (IBAN code)

Before returning goods you have to wait for a communication from our Customer Services department which will authorize you to return them.
After receiving this communication you have 15 days to return the goods you have cancelled to the following address:

Tenuta Dello Scompiglio a.r.l.
Via di Vorno, 67  55012 Vorno Capannori (LU)

Reimbursement time

The Tenuta Dello Scompiglio commits to reimbursing customers within 14 working days of receiving goods, crediting an amount equal to the value of the goods as described in invoices. The aforementioned amount does not include delivery costs that shall be borne by the customer. This is in compliance with article 5, section 6, of Legislative Decree n. 185 dated 22/05/1999.

How to find us

 Tenuta Dello Scompiglio   
Via di Vorno, 67
55012 Vorno, Capannori (LU) Italy

Project by Cecilia Bertoni

Administration Assistant  
Salvina Rosso
+39 338 7884145   
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Press Agency Office  
Angelica D'Agliano 
+39 0583 971612  
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Graphic Designer
Alessandra Mezzetti
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Caretaker and General Maintenance Works
Vicenzo Suriano
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+39 338 587 3927


Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio


Founding Member, Creator of Progetto Dello Scompiglio 
Cecilia Bertoni   

Founding Member and Organisational Director
 Michela Giovannelli   
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Founding Member and Teens' and Children's Project Supervisor
Maria Lucia Carones
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Visual Arts Co-Director
Angel Moya Garcia   
+39 335 5350852
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Artistic Director of Musical Events
Antonio Caggiano

Organizational Assistant, Teens and Children's Project
Salvina Rosso
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Elisa Di Meo 
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Press Agency Advisor
Giovanna Mazzarella

Technical Direction
Paolo Morelli 
+39 346 8733961 
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Technical Crew
Chiara Nardi

Bookshop Manager
Elisa Di Meo
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Ticket Office
Maria Ilaria Panuccio 
Giulia Bonito 
+39 0583 971125
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Maria Ilaria Panuccio 
Flavia Watts 

Land and Forest

Farm Manager
Matteo Del Vecchio
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+39 393 9465273

Organizing Secretary and Sales Manager
Daniela Tomei
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+39 338 7884066

Vineyards and Wine Cellar
Elena De Gioia

Wine Expert
Claudio Gori (VinoVigna)    
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Vegetable Gardens and Orchard
Filippo Tommaso Marsili

Landscape Area Development, Nursery and Aromatic Herbs
Deniel Balestra
Paolo Carrara
Andrea Michelucci

Alex Balestra
Francesco Tonelli
Daniele Biagioni
Federico Gianfelici
Denny Levanovic
Francesco Pacini
Alexandru Jon Turcanu

Cucina Dello Scompiglio

Lara Bertoncini
+39 338 6118730
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Head Chef  
Valentina Pracchia  
+39 338 6091288
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Valeri Bozov
Sabre Vaiti

Assistant Chef
Lavinia Baitan
Carla Cecconi

Dining Room Supervisor
Federico Fregi
Raven Vaiti
Rebecca Simi
Simone Siciliano

Cleaning Staff
Maria Antonia Carvalho de Godoi 



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SPE - Performance and Exhibition Space


Opening times

1 -21 AUGUST 2024

6 JULY 2024



Information and reservations

+39 0583 971125
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SPE - Performance and Exhibition Space
via di Vorno, 67
55012 Vorno, Capannori (LU)





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CUCINA +39 338 6118730


SPE +39 0583 971125

LANDandFOREST +39 338 7884066

via di Vorno 67   55012 Vorno, Capannori (LU)     ©2024 Privacy Policy   For customer complaints
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