Dello Scompiglio



Cecilia Bertoni







On the corner

by Cecilia Bertoni

in collaboration with Carl G. Beukman

director  Cecilia Bertoni
music and sounds  Carl G. Beukman
with  Cecilia Bertoni, Mauro Carulli, Mariagrazia Pompei, Charlotte Zerbey
filming and editing  Bam, Cecilia Bertoni
technical direction and fittings  Paolo Morelli, Alice Mollica, Chiara Nardi
assistant director  Mauro Carulli
production director  Michela Giovannelli
with the invaluable help of  Valentina Pracchia and Deniel Balestra and all the collaborators of Dello Scompiglio project

Spectators gather at the top of the Collina dell’Uccelliera (Aviary Hill), where two old restored huts and a large wooded terrace become the scenery for three acts that make up the promenade performance On the corner. Each act draws on the vast theme of death and dying.
The site-specific situation becomes support and inspiration to the dramaturgy.
The spectator is sometimes enveloped by the environment, sometimes directly involved in it. Or remains just a distant spectator.
The act at the Bamboo Hut tells of the period before death, in which the dying person often lives in two parallel worlds. In one, in a struggle for concrete survival, her/his needs are reduced to the minimum, shrinking the space around her/him. In the other world, this very same person begins to enter into an experience that is ever more immaterial and fluid. If the person believes in a life after death, gets used to a life without a body, without space and without time. Otherwise he/she simply gets used to nothingness. More and more, the person lives in a world that is difficult to communicate from and inaccessible to the living and for this reason solitude is experienced in its most complete expression.
The living can only watch, powerless.
The Shepherd’s Hut becomes a metaphor for home, understood as the body we inhabit. Sometimes the body is accommodating, it moves, it carries us in the world, it communicates, but it can also become inhospitable. Physical pain imprisons us, isolates us in an increasingly limited, unstable and lonely space, from which we would like to escape. Forever.
Between the two houses, in the shade of the trees, while the spectators take some refreshments, they will be invited to play a game. And as in all games, there is the arbitrariness of who wins and who loses.

This house is not
my home anymore.
I wish to sneak away,
To vanish in the mist,
Dreaming – dancing,
Sleeping. That long sleep.

On the corner

On the corner 11_on_the_corner_cb_12.jpgOn the corner P1040395.jpgOn the corner 01_1.jpgOn the corner On_the_corner_social_4.jpgOn the corner on_the_corner_cb_8.jpgOn the corner 06_P1040406.jpgOn the corner 05_P1040403.jpgOn the corner On_the_corner_social_2.jpgOn the corner On_the_corner_social_1.jpgOn the corner 07_P1040417.jpgOn the corner 09_on_the_corner_cb_2_.jpgOn the corner 03_P1040397.jpgOn the corner _2.jpgOn the corner IMG_6532.jpgOn the corner 02_5.jpgOn the corner IMG_6533.jpgOn the corner 10_on_the_corner_cb_11.jpgOn the corner on_the_corner_cb_7.jpgOn the corner 03a_On_the_corner_cb_1_.jpgOn the corner On_the_corner_social_5.jpgOn the corner 04_P1040382.jpg

round midnight / portraits


conceived and directed by Cecilia Bertoni
music, sounds and noises  Carl G. Beukman
performers  Olivier Boréel, Eleonora Chiocchini, Katia Frese, Sara Leghissa, Valerio Sirna
video camera and editing  BAM with Cecilia Bertoni
video make-up  Giulia Avarello and the performers
scenery construction  Paolo Morelli, Alice Mollica, Giacomo Citti
production year 2016

round midnight 1
image by Cecilia Bertoni

The video installation round midnight is an adaptation and development of one of the videos shown originally at the homonymous performance by the director and artist Cecilia Bertoni, presented by Compagnia Dello Scompiglio in 2016.

In the video we see the portraits of the 5 performers. At first, they appear to have just woken up, without filters or masks, still unconscious of the need to present themselves to the world. Subsequently, their features whitened, they emerge made-up according to the conventional representations of masculine and feminine, whereas at the end of the narrative, they themselves choose a make-up that neither obscures them nor merely renders them presentable, but which says more about who they truly are, beyond the dichotomy.
Within these transformations there are delays, structural modifications as regards the normal concepts of time in which it becomes difficult to define what one is and what one becomes.
The viewer participates in the images in an atmosphere that circumvents chronological time and makes them feel at ease, almost as if the world no longer observes them and there is no need to adopt the set role that responds to the expectations created about us.

The installation consists of a parallelepiped of 4,5m x 3m by 1,5 m hight coverd in red velvet, with hand embroydered pillow in various materials on which people can make themselves comfortable. The two projection walls are covered in synthetic leather with red embroydery.


round midnight / ritratti

round midnight / ritratti 01.jpground midnight / ritratti 08.jpground midnight / ritratti 14.jpground midnight / ritratti 09.jpground midnight / ritratti 11.jpground midnight / ritratti 03.jpground midnight / ritratti 06.jpground midnight / ritratti 12.jpground midnight / ritratti 02.jpground midnight / ritratti 07.jpground midnight / ritratti 10.jpground midnight / ritratti 13.jpground midnight / ritratti 04.jpground midnight / ritratti 05.jpg


On the corner/videoinstallation
Video 21’ 08’’
by Cecilia Bertoni

director  Cecilia Bertoni
music, sounds and noises  Carl G. Beukman
with  Cecilia Bertoni
filming and editing  Bam, Cecilia Bertoni
technical crew  Paolo Morelli, Alice Mollica, Chiara Nardi
production director  Michela Giovannelli

One of the parts of On the corner can be shown as a video installation on its own, or as a performance with the partecipation of Mauro Carulli and Cecilia Bertoni.

On the corner /videoinstallazione

On the corner /videoinstallazione 12_fuori.jpgOn the corner /videoinstallazione 6_on_the_corner2.jpgOn the corner /videoinstallazione 8_IMG_6008-1.jpgOn the corner /videoinstallazione 3_P1040470.jpgOn the corner /videoinstallazione 1_P1040458.jpgOn the corner /videoinstallazione 5_on_the_corner_3.jpgOn the corner /videoinstallazione 10_finestra.jpgOn the corner /videoinstallazione 7_assemblaggio_finale_senza_verde-5.jpgOn the corner /videoinstallazione 2_P1040462.jpgOn the corner /videoinstallazione 11_cascata.jpgOn the corner /videoinstallazione 4_on_the_corner_1.jpgOn the corner /videoinstallazione 9_assemblaggio_finale_senza_verde.jpg



Camera #1 (Chamber #1)




Presented at the Giornata del Contemporaneo (Contemporary Arts Day) 8-9 October 2011

The installation was mounted again in 2014, on April 12th and 13rd, for the opening of the event In Relazione.


2 women - 2 solitudes, intertwined memories of the past, longings for the future, in fragments that become the furniture of a small room.
Using sounds and noises, Carl Beukman creates another dimension in the space.
The installation was a work in progress of the subsequent space presented in 2013 in a little hut on the estate.

Camera #1

Camera #1 collage_solitudine_da_camera.jpgCamera #1 121027_guido_mencari_lucca_scompiglio_PRINT3.jpgCamera #1 _DSC3288.jpgCamera #1 121027_guido_mencari_lucca_scompiglio_PRINT3.jpgCamera #1 P1000206.jpgCamera #1 P1040900_2.jpgCamera #1 P1000218.jpgCamera #1 _DSC6740.jpgCamera #1 _DSC6740.jpgCamera #1 121027_guido_mencari_lucca_scompiglio-20.jpgCamera #1 _DSC3288.jpgCamera #1 121027_guido_mencari_lucca_scompiglio-20.jpgCamera #1 121027_guido_mencari_lucca_scompiglio-19.jpgCamera #1 _DSC6811.jpgCamera #1 _DSC6819.jpgCamera #1 _DSC6782.jpgCamera #1 121027_guido_mencari_lucca_scompiglio-19.jpgCamera #1 ombra_con_rosso_accovacciata_2.jpgCamera #1 IMG_0086.jpgCamera #1 _DSC6793.jpgCamera #1 P1050667.jpgCamera #1 _DSC6811.jpgCamera #1 TdS_12.jpgCamera #1 P1010115.jpgCamera #1 _DSC6793.jpgCamera #1 TdS_12.jpgCamera #1 linvasion_des_bebes_01.jpgCamera #1 _DSC6782.jpgCamera #1 bambolotto_nella_bottiglia.jpgCamera #1 _DSC6819.jpg




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