Dello Scompiglio



Incontri d'Armonia (Encounters in Harmony)


5 volumes

Alfredo Pirri at Dello Scompiglio

Encounters in Harmony
curated by Alfredo Pirri

Landscapes at Dello Scompiglio
curated by Gabriele Meschi with Cecilia Bertoni


Edition containing 5 volumes within a box with a magnetised opener/closer and made of coloured cardboard decorated with screen-printing
Price: 90,00 Euro

Edition containing 5 volumes in a printed cardboard folder
Price: 70,00 Euro

Publication year: 2010
Curated by Alfredo Pirri
An Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio production
Language: Italian
Package size: 24x30,5x6 cm
Scientific and publishing direction: Alfredo Pirri
Scientific and research support: Barbara Goretti and Angel Moya Garcia
Artistic direction: Gabriele Meschi, Meschiassociati, Lucca
Graphic design: Alessandra Mezzetti, Meschiassociati, Lucca
Printed by Grafiche Mariano, Mariano Comense, Como
Sold separately:
volume Landscapes at Dello Scompiglio
price: 20,00 Euro
box with a magnetised opener/closer
price: 40,00 Euro


Alfredo Pirri at Dello Scompiglio
Publication year: 2010
An Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio production
No. of pages: 60
Language: Italian
Binding: Bodonian stitched cotton thread
Format: 23x28 cm
Exhibit by Alfredo Pirri, Studi d'Armonia, Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, Vorno, Capannori, Lucca
Texts: Vicenç Altaiò, Alfredo Pirri, poem by Mariangela Gualtieri
Translation from Spanish: Angel Moya Garcia
Photo credits: Andrea Martiradonna, Daniela Pellegrini, Giorgio Benni, Paolo Panzera (for the projects and exhibition “Misura Ambiente”) 

Studies in Harmony - Seminars
Publication year: 2010
Curators: Alfredo Pirri with Barbara Goretti and Angel Moya Garcia
An Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio production
No. of pages: 72
Language: Italian
Binding: Paperback stitched cotton thread
Format: 23x28 cm
Texts: Vicenç Altaiò, Enzo Gualtiero Bargiacchi, Corrado Bologna, Giovanni and Annarosa Cotroneo, Lucia Cresti and Andrea Milani, Daria Filardo, Emmanuel Giraud, Barbara Goretti, Jannis Kounellis, Pietro Montani, Angel Moya Garcia, Alfredo Pirri, Francesco Prosperetti, Antonio Tucci Russo, Valentina Valentini
Translations: Angel Moya Garcia (from Spanish), Sara Menschaert (from French)
Photo credits: Andrea Martiradonna, Daniela Pellegrini; Luca Del Pia for the images of the show, “Oresteia” (Corypheus the Rabbit), 1995 Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio; photo archive Tucci Russo Studio per l'Arte Contemporanea (for the images of the Galleria Tucci Russo)

Studies in Harmony - Encounters
Publication year: 2010
Curators: Alfredo Pirri with Barbara Goretti and Angel Moya Garcia
An Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio production
No. of pages: 52
Language: Italian
Binding: Paperback stitched cotton thread
Format: 23x28 cm
Texts: Barbara Goretti, Angel Moya Garcia, Alfredo Pirri
Photo credits: Andrea Martiradonna, Daniela Pellegrini, Serge Domingie (for the work of Francesco Carone)

Studies in Harmony - Echoes
Publication year: 2010
Curators: Alfredo Pirri with Barbara Goretti and Angel Moya Garcia
An Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio production
No. of pages: 66
Language: Italian
Binding: 28 cm Steel wire spiral
Format: 23x28 cm
Texts: Barbara Goretti, Angel Moya Garcia, Alfredo Pirri, Francesco Russo
Photo credits: Daniela Pellegrini

Landscapes at Dello Scompiglio
Publication year: 2010
Curators: Gabriele Meschi with Cecilia Bertoni
An Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio production
No. of pages: 72
Language: Italian
Binding: Bodonian stitched cotton thread
Format: 23x28 cm
Texts and pictures: Cecilia Bertoni
Photo credits: Cecilia Bertoni, Andrea Martiradonna, Daniela Pellegrini


Available at the bookshop of the SPE.

5 Books + Box: € 66,00
5 Books: € 45,00

Italy € 4,00 - for a quote to ship multiple copies or overseas, please send us an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

+39 0583 971475 
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