Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



20-21 September 2014
Tenuta Dello Scompiglio
4.00-8.30 pm

Aurelius Productions / Grist to the Mill
Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio

Sisters of Hera - Dentro/Fuori

a site-responsive journey in three acts: The Hunt, The Homecoming, and The Feast


Created and curated by
Dorothy Max Prior  director

Isobel Smith  designer/visual artist
James Foz Foster  composer

In collaboration with: 
Simon Wilkinson, Circa69 (UK); Yael Karavan, The Karavan Ensemble (Israel/UK); Matthew Blacklock and Marion Duggan, The Ragroof Players (UK); Bruno Humberto (Portugal); Serena Gatti (Italy); The Baron Gilvan (UK)  

Pristine white linen on tables grazing in the woods; farm tools that become musical instruments; trees that grow human branches - an interactive medley of music, dance and performance, bringing the outdoors in and the indoors out.

Live performance, sound compositions, video works, and installations celebrate Scompiglio’s dualities: art and nature; architecture and agriculture; the wild and the tamed. The audience is invited to discover magical transformations across the site in The Hunt; and will then, after an Aperitif, be drawn together to experience The Homecoming - an outdoor journey culminating in an indoor feast of sensory experiences.


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