Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




SEPTEMBER 29, 2018

Dante Antonelli / Gruppo W.O.W.

Works of Worship
Terzo Atto - 4 Atti di Adorazione

winner project of the open call of death and dying

artists-in-residence - outcome


Marta Olivieri, Angelo Petracca
Arianna Pozzoli, Luca Della Corte

direction  Dante Antonelli
music  Pierluigi Orlando
trumpet  Mario Russo
scenic environment  Francesco Tasselli
assistant director   Edoardo Camilletti
dramaturgical assistant  Euridilla Scarponi

2018 DMDM 07

photo: Edoardo Camilletti


The vision of emptiness and the fatal act: the spiritual tension of the performance is that of the young samurai idealised by Mishima. Apollonian and Dionysian move the waves of a sea only geographically distant from ours and which submerges instead its currents and rediscovers its states of grace in the same sea where our civilization has its origins. The ideal country of Mishima pursues the classical beauty of our ancestors and, in some ways, the scene of our days, the theatres and the spaces of our places of life, and the people who read him today give it new voice and new light.

In a land that has become nothing but ashes, four dancers recount on stage stories of women and men capable of dying, forced to die, called to die. From the ritual of death, its celebration as a moment of ecstasy, able to elicit in the human a sense of profound adoration, to death as a personal choice and a sign of human dignity, through comparison with the exemplary death that the Japanese poet chose for himself, the third act develops a dramaturgy for the dance around the theme of death in the work and life of Yukio Mishima.
Starting from the novel
Confessions of a Mask and its ideal sequel Sun and Steel, the work is also based on the essays Mishima: A Vision of the Void, by Marguerite Yourcenar and Reflections on the Death of Mishima, by Henry Miller.



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