Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



19 NOVEMBER 2022 - 26 FEBRUARY 2023

Enrico Vezzi

L'ordine immaginario

curated by Angel Moya Garcia


L’Ordine Immaginario”, 2019-2022

...for some time I have been searching for “absolute” books, documents and texts from which I can
draw in order to be able to find unpublished personal answers and try to be the intermediary of
new, yet unexpressed questions. What has made us who we are? What small and large processes
have led human civilization to be what it is today? In light of the disastrous events of the last two
years, have we got it all wrong, or do we just have to change our approach? In my mind, I came
back to the time we abandoned our wandering selves and became slaves to crop cultivation. Was t
hat the moment we took the wrong path? We were carefree in the World and now we find
ourselves thoughtfully in the World! Homo erectus lived on this Earth for 2,000,000 years...will we
Sapiens be able to do the same?

Enrico Vezzi


1200x650 TIBALDI 041

Enrico Vezzi’s site and time specific works focus on the process, the possibility of change, dialogue, interaction with others and constant renewal. These works are inserted and juggled on the boundary that distinguishes two individuals, dissolving it to recreate a new unity based on the interaction and uncertainty of the private subject who succumbs to the collective one. However, it is not a question of random research, completely devoid of any trace of the subject, but of an in-depth study of everything that surrounds it, to fully understand where an identity can be reached in harmony with the nature that generated it and with others.

His research focuses on a reflection that investigates the fundamental conditions of coexistence between species and between species and environment – starting from phenomena and characteristics of contemporary society– concentrating on particular contexts, deepening them, to ensure that the projects derive from a contingent relationship and not predetermined with them. History, place, community, nature, are some of the words underlying his attitude.

All Vezzi’s works start from relationships, from fortuitous encounters, to build works that are not just limited to the public presentation, but which are often in the making. They change, are altered, modified, even later. Works that start from his biography to empty himself, to empty it, coming to relate and compare his own self with the physical and mental characteristics of the place where he goes to work through the questions that arise in a given context.

An attitude expressed in constant tension and translated into an action deeply rooted in experience and personal action. And it is precisely from here that the work becomes public and able to intercept issues that concern the collective feeling. In the case of Enrico Vezzi there emerges, in this sense, that ecological need to add nothing to reality other than what, at that precise moment, he considers extremely necessary.

The need to define certain superstructures, to attempt to delineate the current imaginary of humanity, is the basis of the work L’ordine immaginario, presented at La Portineria in Florence and shown in its entirety for the first time in the Dello Scompiglio spaces. A work in which natural elements, history and politics books and artefacts of various cultures unfold like a constellation that flows according to how history has passed through us, not in chronological or predetermined order, but as a flow, according to the suggestions that emerge during the physical construction of the work. A counter-narrative of the relationship between man and the natural environment that invites us to a physical journey, stimulating considerations on the relationship that each of us has with the current order of the world and questioning ourselves on current events to understand where humanity took the wrong path in its history. A research on current propensities, how they have evolved and how they have led us to conceive society and culture as we know it today.


2022 2_Enrico_Vezzi_L_ordine_immaginario_Ph_Leonardo_Morfini.jpg2022 3_Enrico_Vezzi_L_ordine_immaginario_Ph_Leonardo_Morfini.jpg2022 1_Enrico_Vezzi_L_ordine_immaginario_Ph_Leonardo_Morfini.jpg2022 4_Enrico_Vezzi_L_ordine_immaginario_Ph_Leonardo_Morfini.jpg

Enrico Vezzi was born in 1979 in San Miniato (Pisa). In 2005, he graduated in Psychology at the University of Florence. Since his debut, Vezzi considers art as a means for stimulating new thinking on the relationship between collective history and personal memory. His works are always an attempt to trace the relationship of historical memory to the places to which it is connected. All of his projects show the process in which the work manifests itself and seeks to encourage and form a dialogue aimed at change. His work has featured in group and solo projects in institutional venues in Italy and abroad, including: Estuario Project Space, Prato (2019); SRISA Gallery, Florence (2018); Palazzo Grassi, Venice (2017); Meštrovićev Paviljon, Zagreb (2017); Centrale Fies, Trento (2016); Galerie See Studio, Paris (2015); DC, Pordenone (2013); Parco della Musica, Rome (2013); Fondazione March, Padua, (2012); Museo di Villa Croce, Genoa (2012); CCC Strozzina, Florence (2009); Galleria Riccardo Crespi, Milan (2008); Galleria Via Nuova, Florence (2008) and Padiglione Italia, Venice (2004).
Parallel to his exhibition work, he has conducted workshops, lessons and conferences in partnership with: AAA in Brussels; Radar in Loughborough; Fabrica de Pensule in Cluj-Napoca; Careof in Milan; Bevilacqua La Masa in Venice; Fondazione Fotografia in Modena; Neon>Campobase in Bologna; Museo MIC in Faenza and Museo Villa Croce in Genoa.
Since 2008 he has been an active part of the Base/Progetti per l’arte group in Florence.

Please be aware that taxidermy animals are featured in this installation which may shock.

Ticket price
Opening L'ordine immaginario (19th November)

free admission

Exhibition and permanent installations fee 
Thursday - Sunday, 2.00-6.00 PM, or by appointment: € 5,00

Contacts and reservations
SPE Ticket Office - Performance and Exhibition Space
tel. +39 0583 971125
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Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio
Via di Vorno, 67 – Vorno, Capannori (LU) Italy
tel. +39 0583 971475
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