Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



15.30 SPE – Performance and Exhibition Space

Associazione Talia

La Regina delle nevi (The Snow Queen)

The Snow Queen, one of the most famous fairy tales by the Danish Hans Christian Andersen, is the story of two children, Gerda and Kai, bound by a deep friendship and growing up together, until the day that a splinter enters Kai’s eye from a mirror that has a wicked spell cast upon it by a devil to spread discord among men. From that moment everything becomes an object of criticism, the world loses its beauty and playing with Gerda seem childish and insignificant pastimes to him. One day in winter, when it is snowing, Kai attaches his sled to a sleigh belonging to a mysterious woman dressed all in white – the Snow Queen – who takes him with her to her ice castle. Gerda, driven by brotherly love that binds her to her friend, and not believing he has died, sets out on a journey to find him. This is also our journey, through an enchanted garden, woods inhabited by bandits, meetings with princes and princesses and talking animals to the cold ice of the north, where Gerda’s tenacity frees her friend from the spell of the icy white lady.

The Snow Queen recounts the victory of the forces of the heart over the cold abstract intellect and the criticism that, lacking warmth, destroys human relationships, promising certainties on which nothing can be built. It is the desire that love, interpreted as comprehension and unconditional faith in the capabilities of others can win over the charms of a knowledge without soul, that today, just as in Andersen’s day, threatens to chill our hearts.

Recommended age: from 6 years and for everyone




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