Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



Teatro della Tosse

Branciforte e il coniglietto pop
(Branciforte and the pop(-up) rabbit)

by Elisa D'Andrea

Inspired by the novella by H. M. Enzensberger Esterhazy – The Story of a Rabbit; this is the story of an aristocratic rabbit, who looks for a tall and strong wife. Branciforte eats too many chocolates and marzipan and this has made him very tiny. The story of our little rabbit is told in a journey through large pop-up books, passing from the dreamlike to the real, for the eyes and ears of children of nursery and primary school age…but also for mums and dads. The first show in Italy to use pop-up technology!

Recommended age: from 5 years




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