Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



Trilogy of Absence
a project by Cecilia Bertoni

reservation is necessary



friday 17 preview
saturday 18 opening - free entry

sunday 19
, saturday 25, sunday 26 may
saturday 1, sunday 2 june

FROM 15.45

Sweetheart, Why did you Lose? 
Reflections in Black and White 
Kind of Blue


from 17.30 

Reflections in Black and White 
Kind of Blue

Trilogy of Absence has limited audience capacity of 20 persons Booking is necessary During the break you will be able to wander around the SPE to visit the exhibition by Pablo Rubio, watch the short film, Kind of Blue, screened in the foyer and discover the different visual elements and sounds of the performance scattered around the space. You can view and buy the 4 journals of Trilogy of Absence, containing notes by Cecilia Bertoni about the creation of the 3 performances, and the catalogue of Graveyard of Memories

Compagnia Dello Scompiglio 

Trilogy of Absence
a project by Cecilia Bertoni


Kind of Blue 

Idea, direction and scenary design: Cecilia Bertoni 
music, sound: Carl G. Beukman 
astronaut: Mauro Carulli 
in the video: Cecilia Bertoni, Carl Beukman, Marco di Campli, Marialucia Carones, Serena Gatti, Claire Guerrier, Piero Leccese, Mees, Luigi Petrolini 
texts: Cecilia Bertoni, Mauro Carulli and the performer. Friedrich Nietzsche. 
costumes: Rosanna Monti 
director assistant: Alice Mollica 
scenary construction: Cipriano Menchini, Paolo Morelli, Vincenzo Suriano
tecnic: Associazione BAM, Paolo Morelli, Alice Mollica, Luca Telleschi


Riflessi in bianco e nero (Reflection in black and white)

An itinerant performance in 4 steps: 
On the Collina dell'Uccellieria (Aviary Hill): "L'Attesa" (The Wait); 
at the ash tree: "La Perdita" (The Loss) 
In the abandoned vineyard: "Il Cimitero della Memoria" (The Graveyard of Memory) (collective exhibition) 
At the pond: "Il Funerale del Tempo" (The Funeral of Time)
Idea, direction and scenary design: Cecilia Bertoni 
Music and sound: Carl Beukman 
Performers: Maria Lucia Carones, Serena Gatti, Marco di Campli San Vito, Piero Leccese, Luigi Petrolini and Andrea, Angel, Cipriano, Deniel, Denny, Derox, Fausto, Francesco, Ilario, Lorenzo, Michele, Paolo, Paolo C.
Exibition with works by: Enrico Vezzi, Clara Conci, Gian Maria Tosatti, Chiara Scarfò, Pablo Rubio, Davide Orlandi Dormino, Claudia Zicari, and Silvia Giambrone 
curated by Angel Moya Garcia with Cecilia Bertoni 
direction assistant: Luigi Petrolini 
Exhibition construction: Cipriano Menchini 
Scenery construction: Vincenzo Suriano
Tree climber: Paolo Carrara 
Tecnic: Paolo Morelli, Luca Telleschi


Tesorino perchè hai perso? (Sweet heart, why did you lose?)

composed by: Cecilia Bertoni, Carl G. Beukman, Serge Cartellier, 
Claire Guerrier, Saskia Mees
director: Claire Guerrier 
performers: Cecilia Bertoni, Serge Cartellier 
sound and music: Carl G. Beukman
lighting design: Pierre Montessuit 
stage design and costumes: Cecilia Bertoni, Claire Guerrier 

The Trilogy comprises of three performances that interact and engage with the theme of losing and winning, its relationship with time and in all its different dynamics, in and out of reality. The question is addressed from different perspectives and develops in different spaces and places of the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio. 

Tesorino perché hai perso? (Sweetheart, Why did you Lose?) originates and develops around the ironic absurdity of winning and losing, and how both of these exert excessive influence on our self-esteem and on the concept of success in our culture. The performance takes place in the Performance Space, in a face to face relationship between actors and audience. 

Riflessi in bianco e nero (Reflections in Black and White) is a journey in four stages focused on loss and memory, that winds through various locations of the Tenuta, moving between action and installation, where the public and the performers sometimes end up mixed together.

Kind of Blue - the last part of the Trilogy - is currently in development in one of the exhibition rooms. The interpreters of the first two parts become themselves the subjects of a film. They tell their secrets and talk about their bodies as imperfect casings. At the same time as the video installation, in a live scene, a turret and an astronaut who can no longer distinguish between true and false, between real and fictional characters, between the past and the present, reality and imagination. The audience watches everything from the top of a scaffold.

The Trilogy will be presented in its final form in May 2013. The performances will alternate during the week: Riflessi in bianco e nero and Kind of Blue on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday you will be able to watch the whole Trilogy throughout the day. For Riflessi in bianco e nero and Kind of Blue access is limited to 20 persons.

The Trilogy will inaugurate a programme from June to September 2013, during which artists who have already created and exhibited their work in the outside spaces of the Tenuta will be able to compliment their interventions by developing an indoor phase, or vice versa, thus contributing to a completely subjective view of Dello Scompiglio. Among them, Pablo Rubio, Caterina Pecchioli, Perrine Mornay (with Collectif Impatience), Piero Leccese, Yael Karavan, Mauro Carulli (with the CaRma ensemble).

The Trilogy weaves its path with the exhibition Estados indefinidos para una existencia by Pablo Rubio, curated by Antonio Arevalo, in the Exhibition Space. One of the artists featured in the permanent exhibition "Il Cimitero della Memoria (The Graveyard of Memories), designed for the performance Riflessi in bianco e nero, in this exhibition, he questions the indefinite states of memories in the shape of one's own identity. 



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