Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



Compagnia Dello Scompiglio / Azul Teatro

Atto Semplice (Simple Act)


a composition by Cecilia Bertoni, Serena Gatti and Carl G. Beukman
direction and texts: Cecilia Bertoni
performer: Serena Gatti
music, sounds and noises Carl G. Beukman
lights: Cecilia Bertoni with Paolo Morelli
costume: Rosanna Monti
technical collaboration: Associazione Imagine
press office: Giovanna Mazzarella
photos and images: Cecilia Bertoni
a co-production of Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio/Azul Teatro
cured by: Michela Giovannelli

but how much time has passed?
an island in the fog,
fragments emerging from the stillness
fragments, voices, soliloquies,
fragments of the presence remain and change in the unraveling/march of time 
who will collect them? who will dare?
take flight or remain?
set out or stay?

Atto semplice is a physical theatre performance that revolves around the revelation, the awakening.
In a static space one pedestal, like an island. A statue, butterflies, abandoned objects, fragments crystalised in time, enchanted in soliloquies.
Presences perhaps thousands of years old.
The statue recaptures and rediscovers a living body and through the body is born the vision that animates it, and the action that will bring it back in time and in space.

The first study titled STA was presented by Serena Gatti in 2009 as part of the review "Sosta prolungata" (Prolonged Stop), curated by Sosta Palmizi.
With direction by Cecilia Bertoni and musical and sound collaboration by Carl  Beukman, the performance takes a twist and is born in a new form.

The three artists have already collaborated on the promenade performance Riflessi in bianco e nero (Reflections in black and white), directed in 2010 by Cecilia Bertoni.

Only he is free who seeks to liberate all that surrounds him; through a certain influence, the cause of which is not always perceived, that itself makes him free.

Première: 24 and 25 June 2011, during La MaMa SpoletOpen 2011 Festival

La MaMa SpoletOpen 2011
SPAZIO TEATRO via Oberdan, Spoleto
Friday 24 June  h 21.00 and h. 22.00
Saturday 25 June h 5:00pm and 6:00pm

repeat performances:

Festival Le arti della scena
Officina Giovani - ALVEARE VOL. I
24 - 25 - 26 - 27 September 2011

Atto Semplice, lasts 20 minutes and will be presented alternatively in the white and  the three-coloured version.

SPE - Performance and Ehibition Space
Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, Vorno (LU)
3 - 4 November 2012


Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio
ph. 0583 971475 - 338 7884145
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