Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



SPE - Spazio Performatico ed Espositivo

February, 8-9

Saturday 6pm
Sunday 7pm


Marcos Jorge
Brazil/Italy, 2007, 100’

2014 Estomago

In the great restaurant of life, there are those who eat and those who get eaten. Raimundo Nonato finds an alternative way, a life of his own: he cooks in order to survive and find a place in society. He arrives in town without a penny in his pockets and starts working as help at a run-down bar. He learns how to fry chicken dumplings, outdoing his boss, Zulmiro, the owner of the bar. Nonato is ignorant, but talented. He knows how to work the kitchen, soon others realize it too. The first one to notice him is Iria, a prostitute, who doesn't know how to cook but loves to eat his dumplings and starts an affair with him. The owner of an Italian restaurant in the neighborhood, Giovanni, offers Nonato a job as his apprentice. A turn of events results in Nonato being thrown in prison. He then realizes his cooking skills will secure him a leading position within the prison's hierarchy.

João Miguel, Fabiula Nascimento Carlo Briani, Babu Santana, Paulo Miklos

Rio Film Festival — best picture (by the public), best director, best actor (João Miguel), special prize of the jury for Babu Santana
Rotterdam Film Festival — Lion's Award
Punta del Este Film Festival — best picture, best actor (João Miguel)

Saturday 9pm
Sunday 4pm

La jaula de oro 

Diego Quemada-Diez
Guatemala/Spain/Mexico, 2013, 102'

2014 La gabbia dorata

15 year-old Juan, Sara and Samuel flee from Guatemala through Mexico in order to reach the U. S. They encounter a scenario of violence and harsh reality, dominated by drug and human traffickers.

Brandon López, Rodolfo Dominguez, Karen Martínez, Carlos Chajon

São Paulo Film Festival — Critics' Prize, Special Mention by the jury
Cannes 2013 — Premio Gillo Pontecorvo, Un certain regard
Festival de Morelia, Mexico — prize of the audience, best first feature film
Mar del Plata, 2013 — best picture




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