SPE - Spazio Performatico ed Espositivo
Sunday 12 October 2014
3.30 p.m.
La luna nel nido (The Moon in the Nest)
by Marcello Chiarenza
from an idea by Patrick Lynchcon Raffaella Meregalli
music Carlo Cialdo Capelli
scenery and direction Marcello Chiarenza
Recommended age: 3-8 years
It’s now almost winter, but the egg is still an egg:
"What’s wrong, Piuma?" asks mother,
"Are you shy? Are you afraid to come out? Or you just lazy?"
Mother Piuma can’t wait any longer, your brothers, Freccia,
Cloud, and Zig-Zag have broken their shells and are taking flying lessons.
The cold won’t wait and it’s time to fly to a hot country.
But an egg has no wings, so Piuma will have to wait for the warm in his shell, in his nest…
Who will defend him from the eagle and the wolf? Raffaella!
Mother Piuma entrusts him to Raffaella who lives in a garden beneath the mountain, together with Polly, the butterfly, Linda, an angelfish, Archimedes, the invisible spider and Bruno, the brown bear who hibernates in cave under Mount Civetta.
What will winter be like in a house with green walls and a blue roof?
Will Piuma choose to break his shell in spring?