Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




15-16-17 JULY 2016

Chiara Bersani 
Goodnight, Peeping Tom - PRIMA

winner of Provisional Assemblages open call

idea and creation  Chiara Bersani
performers Marta Ciappina, Marco D’Agostin, Matteo Ramponi
creative assistant   Eleonora Cavallo
photographic collaboration   Giulia Agostini
scenery photos  Eleonora Cavallo
setting design  Luca Poncetta
advice Lara
thanks to  Daniele Bianucci, Melanie Gliozzi, Raffaele Ciampi, Pierluigi Nencioni, Laura Rossi, Marina Bellanti, Sara Abruzzese, Valerio Chellini

an Associazone Culturale Dello Scompiglio production
in collaboration with Gender Bender
Festival (BO) and Associazione Culturale Corpoceleste_C.C.00# and with support of DanceB (MI)

2016 Goodnight peeping Tom 01


Goodnight, Peeping Tom is a performative work that aims to prove a theory: at the roots of every sexual behaviour/desire is a sentimental impulse, a romantic wish. The central theme of the research is the power of desire and the impetuousness of the action that tries to satisfy it. In the story, Peeping Tom was punished with blindness for having peeked through a hole in a shutter while Lady Godiva rode nude through the realm as a sign of protest against high taxes. Tom is punished for looking, for his desire, and now I want to make a gift to him, to compensate for the injustice he suffered.

"Since I began to work, first as a performer, then as a maker, I have always put the body as custodian of a unique and unrepeatable story at the centre of my thinking.
Following a journey through biographical and autobiographical images, this very concept of the body began to transform before my eyes. It was no longer simply a testimony of a life lived but a political entity, crowned by meeting / confrontation with society. I then began to define the contours of the concept of the political body. The body responds to its social function in the same moment in which it chooses to emerge in society, obliging itself to be seen. Whoever meets it cannot help but ascribe a meaning to it, interpret it, create expectations around it.

The body chooses to respond to its own political duty in the moment in which it accepts, analyses and personalises the meanings attributed to it, transforming them into a manifesto conscious of itself. In this journey of the political body sexuality takes on a central position. The stereotypes linked to this field affect different groups of people, for example, the disabled are seen as asexual,  the elderly perceived as no longer having erotic feelings, homosexuals frequently regarded as living a dissolute life, porn actors considered incapable of love." (Chiara Bersani)



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