Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




10-11 SEPTEMBER 2016

A j a Ri o t - A l ma V e n u s
G i r l i s a G u n

Winner of the Assemblaggi Provvisori Open Call

director, lighting, music  Nina Negri, Isadora Pei
with  Chiara Capitani, Susanna Dimitri, Andrea Lanciotti, Nina Negri, Isadora Pei, Loic Samar

2016 Girl is a gun 03

But when will you be fed up with sitting in front of our “courage”
as if it were entertainment?
When will you be fed up of boring yourselves with differentiation to become yourselves?

Paul B. Preciado 

G i r l i s a G u n challenges some basic assumptions regarding sexuality, attempting to reverse the way in which sex workers are perceived in the collective imagination, through the issue of gender construction, the stigmatisation of women as victims, the dynamics of violence and exploitation, and the processes of self-determination.
The best antidote against dominant pornography is not censorship, but the production of alternative representations of sexuality, as divergent perspectives from the normative thought.” Because violence is defeated by strength, freedom, creativity, positive examples, broadening our imagination. Thinking of ourselves as active, not passive, thinking of ourselves as protagonists and strong instead of as victims is an act of freedom as well as courage. Because what happens to sex workers concerns us. Because it’s not just about sex and sexuality, but also the uses of the body recognised as natural or punished for being deviant. We are not all the same. We don’t have to share the same feelings, but it would be beautiful if we were free to choose in any circumstance. This is self-determination and if we don’t defend that, regardless of whether we agree or disagree with each other’s choices, then what kind of freedom are we talking about?

Suitable for an adult audience only




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