9 - 10 FEBRUARY 2019
Teatro dei Gordi
Sulla morte senza esagerare
(On Death without Exaggeration)
winning project of the open call on death and dying
concept and direction Riccardo Pippa
by and with Giovanni Longhin, Andrea Panigatti, Sandro Pivotti, Matteo Vitanza
scenery, masks and costumes Ilaria Ariemme
lighting design Giuliano Bottacin
sound Luca De Marinis
organisation Camilla Galloni, Monica Giacchetto
co-production Teatro dei Gordi and TIEFFE Teatro Milano
with the support of Regione Lombardia and Fondazione Cariplo - Progetto Next - Laboratorio delle idee per la produzione e la distribuzione dello spettacolo dal vivo - Armunia - Campo Teatrale di Milano - Centro Artistico Il Grattacielo - Centro Teatrale MaMiMò- Mo-wan teatro - Sementerie Artistiche - Concentrica 2016 - Asti Teatro
Selezione Visionari Kilowatt Festival e Artificio Como 2016
Vincitore all'unanimità del Premio alla produzione Scintille 2015
Premio Nazionale Giovani Realtà del Teatro 2015, indetto dall’Accademia d’Arte Drammatica Nico Pepe di Udine: spettacolo vincitore del Premio Speciale, Premio Giuria Allievi Nico Pepe e Premio del Pubblico
This production by Teatro dei Gordi is a tribute to the Polish poet Wisława Szymborska
photo by Laila Pozzo
Sulla morte senza esagerare, takes on the theme of death in an ironic and amusing way, through an unconventional use of masks. The figures move with truth and lightness on an original dramaturgical fabric.
At the threshold between the here and the hereafter, where souls take their final leave from their bodies, there is our Death. The living fear it, flee it, deny it, seek it, challenge it, invoke it. The only certainty is death, they say.
But how many delays in its work, how many unexpected events, clumsy attempts, missed shots and souls returned to sender! And then, what does Death, who is immortal, know what it means to die? Contemporary papier-mâché masks, familiar figures recount, without words, their last moments, missed opportunities, goodbyes; they tell simple stories with irony, to talk about death, always without exaggerating.
Whoever insists that it is omnipotent
is himself living proof
that omnipotent it's not.
There's no life
that couldn't be immortal
if only for a moment.
always arrives by that very moment too late.
In vain it tugs at the knob
of the invisible door.
from On Death, without Exaggeration.Wislawa Szymborska