Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



25 SEPTEMBER 2021 - 30 JANUARY 2022

THURSDAY-SUNDAY   14.00-18.00

24.12.2021- 6.1.2022

Eugenio Tibaldi

Architetture dell'isolamento

curated by Angel Moya Garcia

1200x650 TIBALDI 041 

The Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio presents Architetture dell’isolamento (Architecture of Isolation), the solo exhibition by Eugenio Tibaldi, curated by Angel Moya Garcia, which opens on Saturday 25 September from 11.00am until 8.00pm in the internal and external spaces of the homonymous Tenuta di Vorno (Lucca, Italy). A complex and articulate project that draws an analysis of fringes, power, crossings and the concept of normality itself.

What is triggered in people’s minds when they take a road that leads inevitably towards a kind of cognitive isolation from the rest of society, an ‘other’ space in which it becomes impossible to define a real will of the individual in creating this same condition? An event that can be assimilated into a landslide, destined to continue until reassembled. In this new order, the inner space begins to coincide with and adhere to the exterior, with no more distinctions or boundaries.

Following the first lockdown in March 2020, Eugenio Tibaldi visits an elegant apartment in the centre of Turin, abandoned for a decade. His interest in working on mutations, margins and peripheries, in both social and cultural, and above all in mental, ideological and psychological spheres, leads him to question and investigate the accumulation of objects, of every type and origin, that are found, completely covered in dust, inside the house. A huge amount of materials collected obsessively by the person who has spent the last ten years of his life confined to that space, refusing all contact with the outside.

In the project Architetture dell'isolamento the human condition of this persona is not called to witness; it is of little importance who he/she was and how he/she was physically. Instead, there emerges the posthumous construction of the conceptual palimpsest of a choice, a possible way that exists within each of us, in which any concept of external space is cancelled, allowing oneself to drift towards total social disappearance. An external dimension that, in this sense, vanishes in an absolute and objective acceptation. This space becomes only a simplified reference of the porous nature that forms us, that aggregates light and shadow according to our desire for gaze and emotional charge. A project in which collecting and deprivation go hand in hand and in which isolation, madness and the need to deprive oneself of any social life are formalised.

Eugenio Tibaldi

Eugenio Tibaldi 01_Tunnel_11_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpgEugenio Tibaldi 02_Libreria_3_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpgEugenio Tibaldi 03_Albero_7_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpgEugenio Tibaldi 02_Libreria_2_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpgEugenio Tibaldi 03_Albero_4_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpgEugenio Tibaldi 03_Albero_2_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpgEugenio Tibaldi 05_Calici_2_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpgEugenio Tibaldi 03_Albero_1_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpgEugenio Tibaldi 06_Montagne_1_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpgEugenio Tibaldi 01_Tunnel_2_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpgEugenio Tibaldi 05_Calici_7_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpgEugenio Tibaldi 04_Cornici_2_Foto_di_Lorenzo_Morandi.jpg

Eugenio Tibaldi (1977) – An artist who has always been attracted by marginal dynamics and aesthetics, by the complex relationship between economy and contemporary landscape. Born in Alba, in 2000 he moved to the Neapolitan hinterland where he began a work that investigates one of the most plastic and dynamic areas of Italy and draws a kind of map of informality; the fringe, in the sense of a condition often more mental than geographic, which represents the only true way able to generate alternative possibilities, other levels of reading, that represent the majority of the human population. He has worked in Istanbul, Cairo, Rome, Thessaloniki, Berlin, Verona, Havana, Bucharest, Turin, Caracas, Brussels, Tirana, Addis Ababa. 


The exhibition contains images that could offend. Sports footwear is recommended.

The event will take place in accordance with the latest provisions in terms of safety and social distancing. You must bring a mask. Please note that from 6 August 2021, in accordance with Decree No. 105 of 23 July 2021, access to shows and exhibitions, both indoor and outdoor, will require a Green Pass or equivalent certification recognised by the Italian State, stating one of the following conditions: complete vaccination, administration of the first dose (in cases where the vaccine requires two doses), recovery from Covid-19 infection, negative result of a molecular or rapid antigenic swab carried out within 48 hours prior to the performance. Minors under 12 years of age and persons able to prove an exemption from vaccination are excluded from this procedure.,



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