Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



2021 Il giardino segreto 04


Il giardino segreto (The Secret Garden)

Announcement: Residential project aimed at all artists in every declination and hybridization of the arts


Following the end of the research residency “Il giardino segreto” (The Secret Garden), developed through two preparatory workshops and a final 15-day residency, eight projects were received at the end of the last phase of the Open Call, out of nine artists who participated.

The committee, composed of Cecilia Bertoni, Michela Giovannelli, Angel Moya Garcia and Antonio Caggiano, examined the applications and have made their decision as follows:



- Vasco  Forconi – Deep listening

- Andrea Nacciarriti – Waiting to Landslide

- Gianluca Trusso Forgia – Officine Oniriche (Dreamlike Workshops)



- Sonia Andresano – La bimba (The Little Girl)

- Fausto Caricato – Bosco profondo (Deep Forest)

- Fabio Ghidoni – Peephole

- Sara Capanna – Titolo in via di definizione (Title to be decided)

- Francesco Pellegrino – Cartografia musicale / Progetti installativi (Musical Cartography / Installation Projects)


Shortlist ofor winners - open call "Il giardino segreto (The Secret Garden)"
Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio is pleased to release the shortlist of the winners selected among 283 applications in the open call "Il giardino segreto” (The Secret Garden) of the participants who will go on to participate in the artists-in-residences research at Tenuta Dello Scompiglio. 

The choice of the jury took into account both the artistic quality of each candidate and the ability to set up a transversal and multidisciplinary group, able to grasp and share the different aspects of the future artistic journey. 

The project will take place over a two-year period, and includes two workshops to prepare for the final fifteen-day artists-in-residence, according to the following schedule: 

- 3-day workshop - from Thursday 19th to Saturday 21st May 2022
- 3-day workshop - from Thursday 6th to Saturday 8th October 2022
- Artists-in-residence for 2 weeks - from Tuesday 2nd to Tuesday 16th May 2023

After having examined the projects, the jury composed of Cecilia Bertoni, Michela Giovannelli, Marialucia Carones, Angel Moya Garcia and Antonio Caggiano announced the following shortlist of winners:

- Sonia Andresano

- Caterina Basso

- Sara Capanna

- Fausto Caricato    

- Vasco Forconi   

- Fabio Ghidoni 

- Andrea Nacciarriti

- Francesco Pellegrino    

- Simona Sala         

- Gianluca Trusso Forgia

In the case that any of the above mentioned winners abstain, the jury will contact the following persons, in this order: 

1. Silvia Mantellini Faieta  

2. Alessandra Cristiani

3. Leonardo Vita

4. Sergio Racanati

5. Pietro Angelini

6. Silvia Infranco    

7. Camilla Compagni

8. Mattia Abballe

Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio will contact the winning artists in order to agree the organizational details of the residences.

We thank all the artists for their participation.

Dello Scompiglio is a garden in which nature, always in motion, develops in dialogue with human beings and with their needs and their longings, both physical and spiritual. A place where one can be nourished by beauty and content, to breathe, play, move, rest and even make mistakes.
In this garden, in a continuum, cultivation and culture - by giving and taking, by feeling and acting - constitute a single organism in which each part has no meaning without the others.
Just as for the human being.

The residency is intended for artists, performers, poets, authors, writers, curators and musicians who have the interest and feel the urgency to escape from their habits and to create a dialogue between their inner time and that of nature.

The deadline for application is 28 February 2022, 12.00 pm.

Download the open call notice, the application form and privacy policy


Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio
artistic director Cecilia Bertoni
Via di Vorno, 67 | 55012 Vorno, Capannori (LU) Italy
tel. +39 0583 971475 | +39 0583 971125
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Tenuta Dello Scompiglio





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