Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



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Paths of Fairytales

Summer festival dedicated to children and families: rediscover nature through art and open-air play

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 September 2022, Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio continues the summer season “Paths of Fairytales” dedicated to children and families with creative and nature workshops, themed walks and theatre shows in the outdoor spaces of the Tenuta. The festival has been made possible thanks to the contribution from the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio, Lucca and Municipality of Capannori. The first weekend was held in June. Here follows the programme of 17 and 18 September 2022.

AT 11.30 AM

TCP Tanti Cosi Progetti
Zuppa di sasso (Stone Soup)
Teens’ and children’s theatre show

by Danilo Conti and Antonella Piroli
with Danilo Conti
scenery and theatre objects by Scuola Arti e Mestieri of Cotignola, Massimiliano Fabbri

The fairytale that inspired the show is lost in the fabric of popular stories, tales, and anecdotes. It dates back to the times when globetrotters, vagabonds and soldiers met villagers on their way. 

A traveller, played on this occasion by a wolf, on arriving in a village, cannot find hospitality due to the inhabitants’ fear and distrust. These are overcome thanks to the clever trick of a stone soup. This ancient fairytale teaches us the importance of trust and confindence in the others, because any figure, human or animal, can leave a deep mark on the life of each one of us.

Live action theatre with objects
Recommended age: everyone aged 3+

AT 3.00 PM
promenade show in nature
Il racconto degli alberi (The Tale of the Trees) 
conceived and directed by Marta Mingucci (Natura-Teatro)
live music by Mauro Manicardi

“Il racconto degli alberi” is a live and mobile show. Story, movement, images, objects and music lead to the discovery of places, through the point of view of the trees. This show gives the public the opportunity to observe and listen poetically to small and wonderful details and signs that usually escape us, swallowed up by the frenetic rush of the everyday. The elements of the landscape themselves will come to life, tell their stories and show their souls in an empathetic way.

The show was premièred during the summer festival of 2021, dedicated to families, with incredible success. That’s the reason why Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio is glad to propose it also this year.

Recommended age: everyone aged 7+

AT 3.00 PM
Racconti in valigia (A Suitcase Full of Tales) and workshop to create little books
curated by Manuela Bianucci

A colourful suitcase, full of books and surprises, from which characters, puppets, objects and strange things emerge, to entertain and intrigue children, to “enter the story”, to create expectation, surprise, wonder, amazement, “magic”. The reading will then be transformed into a fun, creative and engaging game, making little individual books with paper and folding, according to the Book Art Project method, created by Paul Johnson.

Recommended age: children aged 4-9

AT 3.00 PM
Facce d'albero (Tree Faces)

workshop with Irene Ferrarese

Clay, being pliable, versatile and pleasant to touch, is the natural material par excellence that allows children to play with manipulation and divergent thinking. Clay changes with water, interacts with the tools used, and leaves colour on the hands. After a short period of playing to get to know this material, the clay will be used to give a face to the trees; even trees have faces. What will it be? What materials found nearby will be useful to give them their own identity and personality? 

Recommended age: children aged 4-10

AT 5.00 PM
compagnia INTI
Storia di amore e alberi (Story of Love and Trees)
Teens’ and children’s theatre show

by Francesco Niccolini
with  Simona Gambaro
direction Francesco Niccolini and Luigi D’Elia
theatre objects Luigi D’Elia and Simona Gambaro
lighting  Luca Telleschi
music by  Bevano Est and Antonio Catalano
INTI production 

with the support by
Catalyst-Teatro Corsini of Barberino di Mugello and Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro of Empoli
as part of the residential project “Residenze” as per Art. 43 Mibact-Tuscany

Third place at the NATIONAL EOLO AWARDS 2011 for Children’s Theatre
Special Mention at the Festebà Festival 2011

Freely inspired by Jean Giono’s novel “The Man Who Planted Trees”, a short story from 1980 that has become a symbol for the defence of nature. This show takes up its message of love for trees and their universal value. A story of lost clouds, skies and mountains, but above all, the story of a great man, God’s little gardener, of his poetic resistance and his obstinate generosity, the story of the man who planted trees. 

Live action theatre with objects
Recommended age: everyone aged 6+


at 11.30 am
TCP Tanti Cosi Progetti
Zuppa di sasso (Stone Soup)
Teens’ and children’s theatre show

AT 3.00 PM
promenade show in nature
Il racconto degli alberi (The Tale of the Trees)
conceived and directed by Marta Mingucci (Natura-Teatro)
live music by Mauro Manicardi

AT 3.00 PM 
Stilisti di natura (Nature Designers) 
workshop with Irene Ferrarese

Memories, places, nature are a way of being, of feeling, like the clothes that you wear, and makes us part of the world in which we live. During the workshop, the participants will make sea, mountain and lake clothes, to carry with them the places they have seen or have yet to discover. The smallest children can instead play with natural elements, discovering, as the stylists do, the wonder of shapes, colours, and compositions. 

Recommended age: children aged 6-10 

at 3.00 pm
Readings and workshop to create seed bombs
Per fare un albero ci vuole un seme (It Takes a Seed to Make a Tree) 
curated by Lia Gallo in collaboration with Tenuta Dello Scompiglio

After reading some illustrated books, the participants will be guided in the creation of real “seed bombs”, according to the technique devised by the Japanese master, Masanobu Fukuoka; small masses formed of clay and soil that contain seeds of the natural vegetation found at Dello Scompiglio. These particular “bombs" will thus become symbols of peace and "explode" after a few weeks into colourful and fragrant flowers, to the delight of bees, and to recolonise new green spaces with life.

at 5.30 pm

INTI Company
Storia di amore e alberi (Story of Love and Trees)
Teens’ and children’s theatre show

The ticket includes the visit to the permanent installations in the spaces of Tenuta Dello Scompiglio: Sunday Lunch, by Eugenio Tibaldi; Camera #3, installazione by Cecilia Bertoni and Claire Guerrier with Carl G. Beukman; In sosta by f.marquespenteado; There is not a priori answer to this dilemma (The Dolphin Hotel) by Francesca Banchelli; W18S by Antonio Rovaldi and Ettore Favini; Un Esilio by Valentina Vetturi; L'Attesa by Cecilia Bertoni with Carl G. Beukman; the collective exhibition  Il Cimitero della MemoriaArie per lo Scompiglio by Alfredo Pirri.


Full day admission fee: € 10,00 adults - € 7,00 children 

All activities will be held in compliance with the latest anti-covid regulations.
Reservation is required.
Some activities include uphill paths. Sports footwear with trekking sole is required.

Contacts and Reservations

SPE Ticket Office - Performance and Exhibition Space
tel. +39 0583 971125
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Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio
Via di Vorno, 67 – Vorno, Capannori (LU) Italy
tel. +39 0583 971475
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