Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



TENUTA DELLO SCOMPIGLIO   from 11.00 to 18.00
8 OcTOBer 2022

Open doors at Tenuta Dello Scompiglio

XVIII Contemporary Arts Day
free admission to the permanent installations

2022 GdC 01

Saturday 8 October 2022 Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, located in Vorno (Capannori, Lucca - Italy), participates in the XVIII Contemporary Arts Day, organised every year by AMACI. The event is dedicated to contemporary arts and allows free admission in contemporary centres all over Italy.

Sunday Lunch, environmental installation by Eugenio Tibaldi, leaves a trace of his solo exhibition “Architetture dell'isolamento”, a complex project in which collecting and deprivation go hand in hand and in which isolation, madness and the need to deprive oneself of any social life are formalised..

Camera #3, environmental installation by Cecilia Bertoni and Claire Guerrier with Carl G. Beukman . A bedroom into which the visitors are invited to immerse themselves in an allegorical prison to distance themselves from daily life and enter a world filled with the references, evocations, memories, fears and dream of two women enclosed within their own solitude.

In sosta by f.marquespenteado. An environmental work that revolves around the form of the bench as an archetype of a pause for reflection, meeting and knowledge of oneself.

There is not a priori answer to this dilemma (The Dolphin Hotel) by Francesca Banchelli. A stone stair taken from an old building, both an architectonical element and an archaeological object, allows the artist to examine the sense of fragility and hesitation of the action of a whole society.

W18S, by Ettore Favini and Antonio Rovaldi. The 18 chapters of “Walden; or, Life in the Woods”, are inscribed on slabs of stone, their numbering indicating various possible paths within the estate, suggesting to the walker/reader a starting point for a poetic diversion that is absolutely personal and different every time.

Un Esilio by Valentina Vetturi. As the artist affirmed, this is “the diary of an exile, a story in which fiction and reality are mixed. An invitation to walk, mediated by the memory and the reflections of the condition, perhaps sought, of exile.”

L'Attesa, by Cecilia Bertoni with Carl G. Beukman. This installation was conceived as the first stage of the performance “Riflessi in Bianco e Nero” (“Trilogia dell'Assenza”) by Cecilia Bertoni and focuses on the themes of losing, loss, the losers, time and memories.

Il Cimitero della Memoria, collective exhibition curated by Angel Moya Garcia with Cecilia Bertoni, spread out through an area that was once an old vineyard, presents the work of eight artists invited to reflect on and develop a subjective reading of memory.

Arie per lo Scompiglio di Alfredo Pirri. Collocata negli spazi della Cappella, l’opera consiste in un pavimento di cristallo calpestabile nel cui spessore sono contenute un grande numero di piume, colorate di un rosso intenso, che creano una luminosità sempre mutevole a seconda del movimento della luce solare.

Information and reservations

Ticket price
free admission

Contacts and reservations

SPE Ticket Office - Performance and Exhibition Space
tel. +39 0583 971125
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