Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



AT 19.30


The evolution of musical language

Led by Fabrizio Ottaviucci

By way of a journey of listening to music from the repertoire of half a millennium, from Frescobaldi to Stockhausen, performed on the piano and accompanied by historical references, the conversation concert aims to demonstrate, step by step, how the language of musical art is in continual and tireless evolution, and that the surprising and sometimes difficult to understand results that the art has achieved in the last century are the logical and direct consequence of the evolution of the preceding language.
Duration 90 minutes

saTURDAY 17 JUNE 2023
AT 19.30


Fabrizio Ottaviucci


TRIP is an open composition that was born as a collection of experiences lived by Fabrizio Ottaviucci in the last decade of the field of aleatory music, in particular in the fascinating scores of the Concerto for Piano and Orchestra by John Cage and in the superlative graphic work, Treatise by the composer Cornelius Cardew, embarked on by the artist as part of a multi-year project at the Rome Europa Festival. 

From these experiences of a creativity that arises from contact with two sources of inspiration, the text and the interpreter, a specific and characteristic piano language has arisen.

In the TRIP project the frequencies that most stimulated the artist are picked up and recomposed in an order, this time free from external paths and articulated within an inner communicative research.

The languages are in any case attributable to the great matrices of our musical experiences: the spatial, abstract and suspended frequencies of the American composer Morton Feldman, whose language, forty years after his death, maintains elements of extraordinary contemporaneity; the variegated, dynamic and innovative sounds that the piano can make spring from its strings through techniques borrowed from Giacinto Scelsi, such as Action Music, in which the use of clusters and the production of chords through the various parts of the hand and arm become the prevailing language; the oriental techniques of the raga and its psychological alchemy.

The entire structure of the performance proceeds in an improvisational form and is therefore subject to considerable extemporaneous mutations; the path is defined, but the way of telling it is always indeterminate and linked to the performative moment.

TRIP, the journey, with all the ambiguity of the term, attempts to provide the listener with an inner psychological and emotive journey that can involve them and lead them to an experience that touches the deepest chords of their soul.


2023 1200x500 Ottaviucci 01

Ticket price
euro 15,00
euro 10,00

Contacts and reservations
SPE Ticket Office - Performance and Exhibition Space
tel. +39 0583 971125
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Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio
Via di Vorno, 67 – Vorno, Capannori (LU) Italy
tel. +39 0583 971475
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