Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



In Relazione (In Relation)

On Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 April, In Relazione (In Relation) will open at Dello Scompiglio. A meandering, interdisciplinary promenade that winds through the indoor and outdoor spaces of Scompiglio, the trail, centred on interpersonal dynamics, leads to unusual places and views with intimate installations, places of reflection, original social relations and a photographic exhibition.

Solitudine da Camera (Chamber Solitude)
Installations by Cecilia Bertoni, Claire Guerrier with Carl G. Beukman
A long path of exchanges, contrast and formal realisation, begun in 2011 with Camera #1 in the tank room and continued in 2012 with Camera #2 between the columns, concludes with Camera #3 in a small hut immersed in the nature of the estate.

Camera #3 (Chamber #3)
A little metato (a hut for storing agricultural tools), deep in the natural countryside of the estate, becomes a bedroom into which the visitor is invited to immerse themselves in an allegorical prison to distance themselves from daily life and enter a world filled with the references, evocations, memories, fears and dreams of two women enclosed within their own solitude. Each one interprets this solitude according to her own character and experience, giving life to a prison that should be interpreted not as an element of control or punishment, but rather as the realisation of a corner in which to take refuge from the past, accept the present and long for the future.  A proliferation of elements in Cecilia Bertoni and the fragmentation of Claire Guerrier’s own body become as much an intimate as explicit catharsis of their own obsessions, fears, memories and longings.

Camera #1 (Chamber #1)
2 women - 2 solitudes, intertwined memories of the past, longings for the future, in fragments that become the furniture of a small room. Using sounds and noises, Carl G. Beukman creates another dimension in the space.

Camera #2 (Chamber #2)
In Camera #2 the visitor can enter and experience a room basted with the fragmentary signs and traces of two women with their intimate voices and solitude. The curiosity of the visitor becomes the deciding instrument for uncovering and revealing what is hidden in the layers of the room and participating in the contrast between the two identities and their means of relating to one another.  Using the voices of the artists, the sounds and noises of Carl G. Beukman create contrast sharply with the surrounding sounds, leaving the visitor with the power to turn them on or turn them off.

The book, Solitudine da Camera #1, #2, #3, by Cecilia Bertoni,tells the story of the path created by the three artists, through drawings, photographs and texts, and with critical texts by Andrea Domesle and Angel Moya Garcia. It is available at the bookshop of the SPE.

Sedeo Ergo Sum - Siedo Dunque Sono (Sedeo Ergo Sum – I sit, therefore I am)
Caterina Pecchioli invites the spectator onto a pathway through the indoor and outdoor spaces of the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio where, through a series of interdisciplinary works of sculpture, photography and installation the spectator is introduced to a world of interpersonal dynamics. The theme of the different works is the chair used as a symbol of social relationships. The show uses the nature of this object and the position of the body in relation to it, to stimulate greater awareness of relational dynamics and how they are influenced by minimal physical and spatial changes.  The works include the interactive installation Coreografia Sociale (Social Choreography), the sculpture Sedia-Fossile, Dinosediasauro (Seat-Fossils, Dinochairsaurus) in the park and the photographic exhibition Sedeo Ergo Sum, which gives its name to the exhibition trail. 

In sosta (In Pause)
The work, which is a part of the permanent installations in the external spaces of the Dello Scompiglio estate, involved many collaborators within Dello Scompiglio, through embroidery, the construction of the objects and the design of the garden around the theme of pause.  A sharing space that challenges the authorship of the work, that revolves around the form of the bench as an archetype of pause for reflection, meeting and knowledge of oneself.  The Brazilian artist expresses a moment of meditation in which the visitor is invited to linger, pause for a while, bide their time, stop and reflect, look, observe, read and feel.


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Saturday 12 April 2014
Sunday 13 April 2014
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Saturday 12 April 2014
Thursday 20 November 2014
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Saturday 12 April 2014
Sunday 28 September 2014



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