Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




Mozart, così fan tutti

Following the season, Tradizione ed individualità (Tradition and Individuality), the musical programme at Dello Scompiglio continues from November to June with a project centred around the figure of Mozart.   An extraordinary artist and the most universal of musicians, his huge popularity has caused him to be portrayed always as an instinctive genius, infantile and completely closed in his own world. Certainly he was irreverent but in a primitive way. This methodical view, contradictory in its very existence, shows an uncomfortably non-conformist character who lived according to the ideals of freedom and equality; anticlerical, yet with a strong sense of the sacred nature of life; libertarian but with a strong aversion to war. Mozart was an artist who could teach us about modernity; a lesson that has made him more and more current and taught the audience to listen to his music with more awareness and maturity.

Mozart, così fan tutti, which is no more than a play on words of the title of the last of the three Italian operas by the Salzburg composer, is a series in which, in the spirit of mixing it up, many artists from different backgrounds are invited to discuss the themes that characterized the personal and cultural path of Mozart.

The programme of events follows three lines: the works of Mozart, works of composers of different periods dedicated to Mozart and “experiments” by artists from different musical fields who compare themselves to the sound landscape of Mozart, are inspired by the principles that have accompanied Mozart in his life, and, as is the custom at Scompiglio, seek to go beyond the rigid patterns of traditional categories. (Antonio Caggiano)

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Saturday 30 November 2013
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Saturday 3 May 2014
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Saturday 21 June 2014
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Sunday 20 July 2014
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Saturday 11 October 2014



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