Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




Provisional Assemblages

 a multidisciplinary and varied season focused on individuality in relation/conflict with gender

performances / concerts / installations / exhibitions / lectures / workshops and children's theatre

11 MARCH 2016 - 11 JUNE 2017

The Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio presents Assemblaggi Provvisori (Provisional Assemblages): exhibitions, installations, performances, concerts, discussions, theatre for teens and children, and workshops focusing on individuality in connection and/or in conflict with gender, and the absence of causality and coincidence between biological sex, masculinity–femininity and sexual orientation. The programme, which also includes the winning projects of the international open call to artists, announced in January 2015 and aimed at all artists in every declination and hybridization of the arts, will take place from March 2016 to spring 2017.

In what way do the social and cultural conventions and constructs interfere with identity? To what extent do the traditions and stereotypes of language, education, gestures, style, clothes or perspectives influence and perhaps mask who we are, how we present ourselves, what kind of relationships we establish with others and what role we perform in society? How can we disarrange these stereotypes as if they were theatre props, part of a continually changing game, or create languages that transcend the male/female dichotomy and the very act of representation?

Assemblaggi Provvisori is an attempt to allow doubt to arise, to renounce the security of belonging and to facilitate the movement between the different tones and chromatisms, through projects and events that can bring into focus socio-cultural, anthropological, biographical and autobiographical aspects.


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Friday 11 March 2016
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Saturday 12 March 2016
Sunday 12 June 2016
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Saturday 2 April 2016
Sunday 3 April 2016
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Saturday 2 April 2016
Sunday 3 April 2016
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Saturday 16 April 2016
Sunday 17 April 2016
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Friday 6 May 2016
Sunday 8 May 2016
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Saturday 7 May 2016
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Saturday 7 May 2016
Sunday 8 May 2016
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Friday 20 May 2016
Sunday 22 May 2016
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Saturday 4 June 2016
Sunday 5 June 2016



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