Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



15.30 SPE - Performance and Exhibition Space

Giallomare Minimal Teatro

Perchè piangi? (Why Are You Crying?)

Project and dramaturgy Vania Pucci
Pictures Lucio Diana
Multimedia animations Ines Cattabriga
Technician Saverio Bartoli
With Vania Pucci
Directed by Vania Pucci e Lucio Diana

Once upon a time there was a girl who cried and cried and cried…nothing would console her. She cried so much that her tears formed a lake into which she fell with all her funny friends. She had cried too much and if she didn’t want to drown she would have to learn how to swim in this sea of tears. A doll that falls, rolls around, scolds, falls down again, and above all cries is the pretext for a dialogue between mother and daughter, a stage in sentimental education, talking about tears; tears over wounds of the skin and over wounds of the soul, tears from onion soup, and tears of joy. A sea of tears in which to drown or just swim.

Starring a doll, an actress and an artist who draws the world around them.

Recommended age: 3-8 years




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