Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



Teatro Giovani e ragazzi onlus

Pigiami (Pyjamas)

Sunday 13 April 2014
3.30 p.m. and 5 p.m.

By: Nino D'Introna, Graziano Melano, Giacomo Ravicchio

Direction: Nino D'Introna, Graziano Melano

With: Pasquale Buonarota, Alessandro Pisci

Scenery and costumes: François Chanal


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After 30 years and over 1.500 performances worldwide, PIGIAMI continues its adventure with the same on-stage energy and theatrical innovation, proving that it still possesses a topical language of rare freshness and longevity, making a true classic of children’s theatre.

Originating as a show for very young audiences, it has been performed for adults, as well as for children, in many countries: Italy, France, Great Britain, Spain, USA, Canada, Croatia and Belgium.

The bedroom of an adult who, in the quiet of night, discovers the pleasure of becoming a child again; a place where
 mutual curiosity and affection alternate in a pinwheel that has the dominant colour of a new friendship. 
A timeless favourite that urges us never to lose our desire to play and dream.

Recommended age: from 3 years



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