Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



Camellia Festival

10 - 17 - 24 March 2013

For the forth consecutive year, the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio takes part in the annual Camellia Festival, an event organised every year by the Capannori local council in collaboration with some of the villas of Lucca.

The park of the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio was architecturally and artistically designed with fountains, nymphea and a wide variety of majestic trees. It is still undergoing a census in order to identify the approximately forty types of Camelia existing within the park, which had been almost forgotten for some years. An initial assessment suggests that the older specimens date back to the first half of the 1800s, around which time the garden was remodelled in the English style that was fashionable at the time. Amongst the identified cultivars are ‘Alba Plena' (commonly known as ‘Flore Pleno'), Contessa Nencini', ‘Mathotiana Rubra', ‘Lefevriana', ‘Cruciata'. The spontaneous dissemination of plants in the park has generated an environment of creeping undergrowth, a reminder of the original natural environment of the Camellia.

Park opening times
The park is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Tea Tasting
For the third year the Capannori local council offers to visitors a tea tasting session that will be organised at  the Cucina Dello Scompiglio from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m.
This year the teas offered are: Jasmine dragon phoenix pearl (China), Turkia Rizè (Turkey) and Nuwara (Ceylon).
Restaurant is open also at lunch and dinner time for visitors who wish to have a meal at the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio. 
Visitors will be given a brochure by Capannori local Council about tea tastings, explaining the links between camellia tea and the teas that will be offered for tasting.

Shuttle Service
The Capannori local council  organizes a free shuttle service of the "Camellia Festival" circuit of the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio and the other villas for visitors who prefer not to use their car. Free Shuttles are available from 2.00 to 6.00 p.m. continuatively.

free admission

dogs are not permitted
sports shoes are recommended

Tenuta Dello Scompiglio
via di Vorno, 67 55012 Vorno, Capannori (LU) 
ph 0583 971475 - 338 7884145
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