Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



Dello Scompiglio Children's Camp

Monday - Friday

11-15 June, 18-22 June, 25-29 June 2018

The Dello Scompiglio Children's Camp is a moment separate and different from that in which children usually live: not school, not holidays, not summer camp with sports activities. The location where the camp takes place is outside of the usual paths taken by children and therefore can be an on-going stimulus to encourage activities and games of ideas and energy.

Camps dedicated to 6-10 and 11-13 old children.

The link between the children and the place will again be the educators; expert trainers in the field of performing and educative arts, and colleagues of the farm, forest and restaurant, who will provide their expertise and knowledge. It is through the language of play that the children will be guided in the discovery of the places, work and activities that characterise the property and which allow space for a journey of exploration, for expanding their range of skills and knowledge, to stimulate and enrich the ability of each one, to find new areas of play and to meet others.

Among various activities, the children will trek in the forest, visit the biodynamic vegetable gardens, pick produce, go into the woods to observe the work of our experts, hear about the plants and animals there, make pizza with Lando and eat organic lunch in our restaurant. One morning a week they will be involved in water games in the swimming pool of the Tenuta.


Project overseer and educator: Marialucia Carones
Educators: Fabio Alessandri, Marco Conti, Lorenzo Di Matteo, Eva Genova, Matilde Rocchi, Yarince Vincenzo
Students in traineeship attending the Liceo delle Scienze Umane “L.A. Paladini” in Lucca, tutored by the teacher Enza Colatutto
Organisation assistant: Salvina Rosso

Prices: €130,00 per week per person

included morning break and lunch at the Cucina Dello Scompiglio



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