Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



NOVEMBER 24 and 25, 2018

SATURDAY   AT 19.30  
SUNDAY   AT 18.00

Mey-Ling Bisogno Physical Theatre

Cuando muere un sueño, corre mucha sangre... 

winning project of the open call of Death and Dying

choreography  Mey-Ling Bisogno, Vincent Simon
dramaturgy and actors direction  Marianela Pensado
original soundtrack  Martin Ghersa
performers  Vincent Simon, Mey-Ling Bisogno
lighting design  Cía. de la luz - Pablo R. Seoane and Beatriz Francos Diez
production and management  Cristina Pérez Sosa

with the support of: Comunidad de Madrid, C. C. Conde Duque, Coreógrafos en Comunidad, Centro Comarcal de Humanidades Sierra Norte, Centro per la Scena Contemporanea Bassano del Grappa


2018 DMDM 18

photo: Dario Rigoni

Cuando muere un sueño, corre mucha sangre...  is a contemporary dance and a performance of physical theater. 
The piece offers the public a journey through the folds of stage suspense, and invites them to enter the dark places of uncertainty.
Suspense is a hunch, a break, a clenched fist…
Suspense is felt, breathed, danced, invading the stage with the characteristic style of classic films of suspense: slow motion, dramatic chained, oppressive atmospheres bordering the deamlike, jumps in time... All this gives place to a singular and disquieting piece.
Nobody knows how dreams die. Yet we know they bleed when they die.
Two characters. A place. A briefcase. A jar. And what happens between them.




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