Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




22 JUNE 2019

Mono no aware
L’intensità agrodolce delle cose
(The Bittersweet Intensity of Things)

winning project of the open call "Of Death and Dying"

unleased project and compositions
Caterina Di Cecca


Francesco Filidei  Silence = Death
Elliot Cole  Postludes
David Lang  The So-Called Laws of Nature
Caterina Di Cecca  Mono no aware
(world première)

Blow Up Percussion
Flavio Tanzi
Alessandro Di Giulio
Pietro Pompei
Aurelio Scudetti


In this presentation by Caterina Di Cecca, in collaboration with Blow Up Percussion, for the open call, Of Death and Dying, tackles the theme of death by interrogating how individuality is placed at the forefront and how far this position consequently influences one’s manner of living. Nothing has the same meaning if one becomes aware of one’s transience.

This concept has been expressed at the highest levels in Eastern thought, which, for centuries, analysed the theme of the inevitable transience of the world and the so-called “aesthetics of impermanence”. In particular, Motoori Norinaga spoke of mono no aware, translatable as “the bittersweet intensity of things”.

Accepting the uncertainty of reality helps us to evade the sensation of anxiety caused by its precariousness and allows us to enjoy life in its fleeting moments. The inevitable melancholy due to the loss of loved ones and things becomes suffused and accompanied by a tranquil joy, because we were able to participate in the beautiful world, even if just for a short time.
Percussion, thanks to its variety and timbric fascination and its ability to hold or dampen sound, lends itself perfectly to evoking the wonder and the impermanence of reality and makes tangible the reading of death marked by this feeling




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