Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




I can reach you (from one to many)

Bianco-Valente, Claudia Losi, Valerio Rocco Orlando

3 October 2015 - 28 FEBruary 2016


I can reach you (from one to many) reflects on the idea of meeting, observed on linguistic, emotional, relational and political levels.

The artists involved share a common factor within various relationships between bodies, thoughts, cultures, and communities, and over the course of several residency periods at the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, they have devised three projects that will take shape from October 2015 to March 2016, developing a dialogue with their context, and in successive stages, through gatherings, dislocation and refocussing.

Born as a collective meditation developed between the artists and curators, I can reach you develops from the works presented at the inauguration and proceeds to successive horizons in a series of events.

Bianco-Valente present an environmental installation that occupies the large exhibition space: Frequenza Fondamentale immerses us in a place that is at once distant and internal, sidereal and intimate. The installation combines various lights and a range of sounds that move the space, evoking the mass and velocity of revolving planets in the solar system. Bianco-Valente create a pulsating and immersive experience that causes the visitor to move, to find a position, to feel the resonance inside the body and outside amongst the bodies.

A work-in-progress, Dove il passo by Claudia Losi focusses on the plurality of the experiences of the artist during a walking trip from Piacenza to Scompiglio. The walk is interpreted as a cognitive act in which the sensory places (landmarks) are identified, assumed as such by their physical characteristics or by events, even distant, which carry traces: points of geographical-emotional density, along which run perceptual experiences (colour, time, distance, fatigue) and narratives gathered from her own history or from other voices collected on her journey.

Una domanda che cammina by Valerio Rocco Orlando, is a study centred on the idea of the wandering pilgrim and hospitality as a relational moment, and develops as an installation that, over several stages, gradually reveals the process of construction of the work and causing the public to be a participant in the drama of the work. The first stage, for the inauguration at the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, commits the artist to a conversation with one person at a time, aimed at defining the content for future phases, at Lucca and Altopascio, where the installation will be presented in its final form.

A calendar of events up to the finissage on 28 February 2016 will be announced in the next weeks.

In the course of the programme, which combines curatorial design with the artists’ visions, the exhibition space will expand both geographically, beyond the confines of the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, and in time, requiring new appraisals in the presence of the public.

Giovanna Bianco was born in Latronico (Potenza) in 1962; Pino Valente was born in Napoli in 1967. They live in Napoli. Active since 1995, they work mainly with new media. Their research investigates issues that arise in the relationship between art and science: the human body in its entirety (mental-intangible/corporeal-biological molecular), human perception and space-time, memory.

Claudia Losi
was born in Piacenza in 1971. She studied at the Bologna Fine Arts Academy and at the Faculty of Foreign Language and Literature. She participates in workshops and study courses in Italy and overseas. Her research focusses on the relationship of man to his surroundings, and between the individual and the community.

Valerio Rocco Orlando
born in Milan in 1978, graduated in Dramaturgy at the Catholic University of Milan followed by a Master’s Degree in Directing at Queen Mary University of London. He began his artistic career composing articulated installations, videos, films, photography and artists’ books that, balancing choral dialogue and intimist painting, present the relationship between the individual and the community, in order to explore and rethink the sense of belonging to contemporary society.

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Thursday 19 November 2015
Sunday 22 November 2015
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Sunday 29 November 2015
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Sunday 24 January 2016
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Saturday 27 February 2016



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