Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




14-28 SEPTEMBER 2012

Transversality of Criticism

Following the seminar, "Incontri d'armonia" ("Encounters with Harmony"), supervised by Alfredo Pirri, the second project of the Accademia Dello Scompiglio, under the artistic direction of Angel Moya Garcia and Cecilia Bertoni, will be a two-week residential programme entitled "Transversality of Criticism"

The programme is aimed at young critics of visual arts, theatre, dance, performance, literature, cinema and music, in order to stimulate a faculty for transversal criticism able to analyse and reflect on the diverse fields of contemporary arts, rethinking sectionalism in the current debate.
It is an attempt to educate the way of seeing and devise a panoramic view of criticism, through awareness and in-depth study of intersecting lines within the different practices of contemporary arts.

During the residence, as well as various visits outside the Tenuta, to nearby museums, galleries, theatres or festivals, there will be occasional meetings with different guests and Feldenkrais sessions. The meetings will be informal in nature, multidirectional and free from logical lines, either as regards to the relationship between the guests and the relative fields of research, or in terms of the relationship between the guests and the resident critics. Moreover, some artists will be invited to give a specular view of criticism and to analyse their expectations of these.

In the months preceding the residence, the selected critics will be asked to write texts relating to certain exhibitions and theatrical shows.

Some of the guests:

Chiara Bertola

Cecilia Bertoni

Christian Caliandro

Piersandra Di Matteo

Muta Imago

Yael Karavan

Dorothy Max Prior

Anton Giulio Onofri

Rodolfo Sacchettini

The candidates, aged between 18 and 30, Italian or foreign, must have appropriate educational qualifications or be enrolled in courses that study historical/philosophical, artistic or theatrical disciplines. Participation is free and comprises accommodation and meals provided by educational scholarships. The maximum number of participants is 10.

Application is by a single PDF file consisting of: covering letter explaining the motivation to participate in the course, up-to-date résumé, a selection of articles or reviews (max. 5) and a critical text on the subject of transversality.



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