Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



AUTOFOCUS - Twenty Years of ALDES Dance

2013 marks the twentieth anniversary of ALDES, today, perhaps the most active and representative contemporary dance company in Italy. To celebrate, the company’s many creators meet together in Lucca to present "AUTO FOCUS – Twenty Years of ALDES Dance", a selection of performances from the current repertoire of the company.


The shows take place from 10 to 13 October, in various locations: the Teatro I. Nieri in Ponte a Moriano, the SPAM! Venue at Porcari, the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio and other urban spaces in the historical centre of Lucca.

The complete programme of AUTO FOCUS can be found at

13 October 2013
SPE - Performance and Exhibition Space 5:30pm

Ambra Senatore

A posto (In Place)


A project by Ambra Senatore
Choreography by Ambra Senatore, in collaboration with Caterina Basso and Claudia Catarzi
Performed by Caterina Basso, Claudia Catarzi, Ambra Senatore
Lighting Fausto Bonvini
Sound Gregorio Caporale
Music by Brian Bellot, Gregorio Caporale, Jimi Hendrix, Ambra Senatore, The Temptations
Running time 1 hour


With A Posto, Ambra Senatore continues the choreographic project that began with Passo, taking over the direction of a group and working on the dynamics of dance movement, enhanced by theatrical elements, brush strokes of action and everyday gestures.

"I intend to further explore the dramaturgic construction, not necessarily a narration, but a drama that proceeds through actions and the presence of bodies. I intend to concentrate on the limits between the construction of action, playing with fiction and the truth of presence." (Ambra Senatore)

By constructing and deconstructing images in movement, distributing clues that gradually change their meaning, Ambra Senatore creates a score that shines in its immediacy and eloquence with subtle nuances that are a blend of refinement and simplicity, offering a joyful, yet at the same time bitter, glance at human nature.

Aldes - A posto

Aldes - A posto AUTOFOCUS2013_immagine-titolo.jpgAldes - A posto A_Posto_-_foto_Viola_Berlanda_2.jpgAldes - A posto A_Posto_photo_by_Viola_Berlanda_s.jpg

Production by Aldes, Torinodanza, CCN Ballet de Lorraine, Château Rouge - Annemasse, Scènes Vosges with the support of Action Culturelle du Pays de Briey, CND Paris; with the support of the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali / Direzione Generale per lo Spettacolo dal vivo, Regione Toscana / Sistema Regionale dello Spettacolo

13 October 2013
SPE - Performance and Exhibition Space 7:00pm

Roberto Castello

Carne Trita (Mince Meat)


Concert for voice and dance


Project, direction, choreography Roberto Castello
Dance and voice Maria Francesca Guerra, Alessandra Moretti, Fabio Pagano,
Giselda Ranieri, Irene Russolillo
Lighting and sound Luca Telleschi
Lighting design collaboration Paolo Rodighiero
Production Aldes
Running time 1 hour


Carne Trita is a concert - a composition of movement, faces, gestures and voices - that uses the human figure to represent a bewildered and all told enjoyed ode to the nonsense of fate; a homage to beauty, patience, meekness, effort, tenacity and indignation of the many who have no reason to believe in the possibility of a desirable future.

Aldes - Carne Trita

Aldes - Carne Trita CARNE-TRITA_fotoGiorgioSottile_53269-S.jpgAldes - Carne Trita Allegato_di_posta_elettronica.jpgAldes - Carne Trita CARNE-TRITA_fotoGiorgioSottile_53149-S.jpgAldes - Carne Trita CARNE_TRITA_foto_tiziana_tomasulo_24_M.jpgAldes - Carne Trita CARNE-TRITA_fotoGiorgioSottile_53147-S.jpg


In collaboration with the Fondazione Università di Ca' Foscari / Teatro di Ca' Foscari e Associazione Didee (TO); with the support of the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali / Direzione Generale per lo Spettacolo dal vivo, Regione Toscana /Sistema Regionale dello Spettacolo





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