Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



Serena Gatti/Azul Teatro



Loosely based on Eurydice
by and with Serena Gatti 
original live music: Giovanni Canale (percussion and flutes) 
artistic collaboration: Andrea Fiorentini
production: Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio

Maybe I trembled as the stars make ice
not out of cold, not out of fear, 
not out of sorrow, joy or hope, 
but out of that nothingness which passes through the heavens 
and breathes on the earth which thanks...
Maybe it was like the heart trembles, 
to you, when the moon goes away in the night, 
or the morning comes and it seems that the faint light is dying 
and life is returning life...
Maybe it was like trembling together, 
thus, without knowing [...]
(Franco Loi)

In the setting of the woods at Scompiglio, beyond the edge Volver takes life, a performance in the wake of the myth of Orfeus, in which we explore the hidden voice of Eurydice, her realization.
The glimpse is the turning point of this realization.
In the metamorphosis taking place, with eyes clouded by anger, Eurydice cries out with a force, a voice which falls on deaf ears.
Then this glimpse changes into silence of blindfolded eyes, of the only heard being.
It changes again, like reflected light, until it is left through everything.
In this spiraling movement on the thread of a game with time, between Light and dark, between being and seeming, between concealing and revealing, Eurydice returns to her own face, her own eyes.
Eurydice trembles "[...]as icy stars do [..."], with that subtle symptom that is life.

The performance has been shown the 18 and 19 September 2010 at the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, during the Settembre Dello Scompiglio events.



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