Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



Oltreilponte Teatro

La gatta Cenerentola (Cat Cinderella)

Sunday 23 March 2014

3.30 p.m. and 5 p.m.


A show by Beppe Rizzo

Dramaturgy: Valentina Diana, Beppe Rizzo

With: Beppe Rizzo, Fabiana Ricca

Scenery, costumes and puppets: Cristiana Daneo

Everyone knows the story of Cinderella, but few know that there is an older Italian version whose protagonist is a young girl called Zezolla.
 Zezolla doesn’t have a stepmother; she has two! She doesn’t have two stepsisters but six. Moreover she is not a perfect little girl; even she, just like everyone else, makes mistakes.  Despite these differences, Zezolla, like Cinderella, falls into disfavour and is kept apart from and despised by her own family. These adversities, however hard to bear, are not gratuitous, rather, having to face them will make her strong and give her confidence in herself.

So, little by little, Zezolla, whose nickname is Cat Cinderella, because of she wanders about, alone and wild, from kitchen to kitchen, with a face dirtied by ash, grows from little girl into a young woman and then an adult....

Recommended age: from 5 years. 



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