Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



SPE - Performance and Exhibition Space
11 ottobre 2014
7.30 PM

Note Sparse

Scattered Notes - Improvisation for piano and video

Stefano Battaglia   piano
Lelli e Masotti   projected images 
Gianluca Lo Presti/MammaFotogramma  live-video control

This project had its world premiere in Padua at the Pollini Auditorium in April 2006 and was reprised in Pomigliano and Varallo Sesia in 2008. The collaboration between one of the most original and eclectic talents today, the pianist (Jazz? This definition is too narrow for him) Stefano Battaglia, with Silvia Lelli and Roberto Masotti, or rather, Lelli and Masotti, two of the most authoritative photographers of art and theatre today, who here present a work that is personal and enigmatic. Stefano Battaglia improvises over a sequence of evocative, fleeting, abstract images, with references to composers such as Alec Wilder, Hildegard of Bingen, and inspired by figures of thought, not only musical, such as Pasolini and Gurdjieff, to name but a few.

The language of the sounds and that of the images are driven forward by the improvisation that develops freely through a mutual “listening” that rebounds continually between ear and eye. The different elements come together according to the spirit of the moment, following an outline of musical and visual fragments that can refer back to each other in very different ways, from concert to concert.

Duration: approx 50 min.




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