Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



1 November - 9 p.m.
SPE - Performance and Exhibition Space

Luisa Cortesi and Massimo Barzagli

Black Landscape

by Luisa Cortesi and Massimo Barzagli

choreographed and performed by Luisa Cortesi
art works by Massimo Barzagli

producted by Associazione Culturale dello Scompiglio, Cab008

In the black landscape, pictures appear from the darkness, figures emerge from the dark to the light, from the blackness to give themselves to the light of the vision.

These images from the dark have already existed, have already lived. 

Images that have lived in the dark that is superficially more clear, clear not from the twilight, only from the moon. The moon knows much about the dark, and probably has the most intimate knowledge of the black. 

The noises of the dark sound like echoes from far away. 

The noises or the sound come from the dark from a world that perhaps is not there, and is not in the black. The noise of the black is closer to a carefully articulated whisper, a sort of spreading the word.  He who sees the black landscape feels his way, but not like those who don’t see. He who inhabits the black landscape sees what he has never seen and yet it has already existed. 

To see what has never been seen despite that what is seen has already existed is beyond the threshold of the unseeable. Whoever is inside the black landscape is not the one who feels his way, whoever is in the black landscape is himself the black landscape.

Black Landscape

Black Landscape 8_CREDITI_IN_ARRIVO_black_landscape_birds.jpgBlack Landscape 8_CREDITI_IN_ARRIVO_black_skyscape.jpgBlack Landscape 8_Black_Landscape_courtesy_Akiko_Miyake_la_Biennale_di_Venezia.jpgBlack Landscape 8_Black_Landscape_courtesy_Akiko_Miyake_la_Biennale_di_Venezia_2.jpgBlack Landscape 8_CREDITI_IN_ARRIVO_black_landscape.jpg



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