Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




10-11 SETTEMBRE 2016

La Fabrique SoMArT
Ai bordi del cammino:
un laboratorio itinerante PREMIERE

Winner of the Assemblaggi Provvisori Open Call

from an idea by Serge Cartellier
concept, dramaturgy, direction and texts  Sophie Faria and Serge Cartellier
translations  Luca Greco
performers  Julie Fonroget and Serge Cartellier
costumes and props  Sylvie Hollier Blondeau
sound  Sébastien Rouiller
scenery construction Paolo Morelli and Cipriano Menchini


2016 Ai bordi 01

Thanks to a series of meetings and performances on gender, the issue of “comparing oneself with” has been enriched by a new viewpoint. We often think about comparison together with the gaze of another without imagining that the comparison could occur with ourselves, our limits, our desires and a form of freedom that emerges through these experiences. From this, arises a question: being in the world, could we encapsulate, in one issue, our gaze on ourselves and on others, and others’ gaze on us?
Is there not a way to come to terms with one’s own imbalance? I have assembled a team to develop an idea for sharing, in simple and clear way, a series of reflections and questions on alterity genderisation, normativity, the relationship between natural and acquired, and imbalance: imagining the experience, on the pathways of the Tenuta, of a swarm of sensations in encounters that bring into play questions, emotions and perceptions, possibly caused by comparison. It is the desire to share and experience that guides this pathway like a metaphor of the transformation of the self. Pleased to meet you… (Serge Cartellier)

Maximum audience capacity is 20 spectators. Booking is recommended.
There will be a walk through the woods of the estate, on uneven terrain. Sports shoes are advised. No dogs allowe



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