15-16 OCTOBER 2016
Giorgia Nardin
All dressed up with nowhere to go
by Giorgia Nardin
with Marco D’Agostin, Sara Leghissa
research Amy Bell, Marco D’Agostin, Sara Leghissa, Giorgia Nardin
musical editing and sound environment Luca Scapellato
lighting design Matteo Fantoni
costumes Edda Binotto
Winner of Prospettiva Danza 2013. Selected for Aerowaves 2015. Developed as part of ChoreoRoam Europe 2012 CSC/Centro per la Scena Contemporanea Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza), The Place (London), Dansateliers (Rotterdam), Paso a 2/Certamen Coreografico (Madrid), Dance Week Festival (Zagreb). Developed as part of B Project 2013 Jheronimus Bosch 500 Foundation (’s-Hertogenbosch), CSC/Centro per la Scena Contemporanea (Bassano del Grappa), Dance Umbrella (London), D.ID Dance Identity (Pinkafeld), La Briqueterie-Centre de développement chorégraphique du Val de Marne (Paris), Dansateliers (Rotterdam). Supported by CSC/Centro per la Scena Contemporanea - Bassano del Grappa, Graner/Mercat de les Flors - Barcelona, La Piccionaia/I Carrara/Teatro Villa dei Leoni - Mira, La Conigliera - Resana, INTEATRO Residenze - Polverigi, Teatro Fondamenta Nuove - Venezia, Associazione Culturale Arearea - Udine, Associazione Culturale VAN
Being dressed up without knowing where to go: destroying the linearity of time, the beginning and the end, the possibility for the body to find the memory of the gesture. Exhaustion is a way out, contact is a form of protection to escape the gaze of an observer that runs over the bare and sacred surfaces of the bodies without embarrassment and without provocation. Everything is there, in being able to glimpse the abstract in the concrete and the real in abstraction, a form of warmth in the pale tints of the bodies and in the soft lighting. And the body reacts to all this. (Matteo Antonaci)
suitable for an adult audience only