Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




29 OCTOBER  2017

Around Cage

Concerto finale della Masterclass/laboratorio sulla letteratura degli strumenti a percussione del Novecento

Hans-Günter Brodmann  Greetings to Hermann 
Steve Reich  Music for Pieces of Wood 
Giovanni  Sollima Millennium Bug 
Salvatore  Sciarrino  Il legno e la parola 
Steve Reich  Nagoya Marimbas 
John Cage  Amores 
John Cage  Living Room Music 
Steve Reich  Drumming Part 1 
William Joseph Schinstine  Scherzo Without Instruments  - body percussion

Antonio Caggiano, Simone Buttà, Fabio Macchia, Matteo Rossi, Jamil Zidan 
and the students participating in the Masterclass/workshop

The concert “Around Cage” concludes the Masterclass/workshop on the literature of percussion instruments in the 20th Century, scheduled for 26 to 28 October in the spaces of the Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, and fits perfectly with the project “John Cage: 4’33’’ Lezione sui funghi”, a 2012 tribute to John Cage in the year of his double anniversary (1912-1992), presented by the Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio, 

directed by performer and director, Cecilia Bertoni.

The course is led by Antonio Caggiano, a teacher of percussion instruments at the Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia di Roma, teacher in the advanced summer courses at the Accademia Chigiana and artistic director of musical events at the Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio. 

The programme is made up of songs by John Cage - the performance “Living Room Music” for four performers seated in a living room playing everyday objects, such as cups, glasses, ashtrays and cutlery, the refined “Amores” for membranes and wood (parts II and III) – and by composers who have embraced his teachings, such as Steve Reich - “Music for Pieces of Wood” for five pairs of claves, “Nagoya marimbas” for two marimbas and “Drumming Part 1” for eight bongos, the first part of the first minimalist work dedicated entirely to percussion.

We also present the song “Il legno e la parola” for marimba, by Salvatore Sciarrino, who inherited from Cage the attention to the relationship between sound and silence. In this piece, the Sicilian composer attempts a synthesis of the language of words, in particular the Sicilian dialect, and the language of music.

“Millennium Bug” by Giovanni Sollima for four performers, “Greetings to Hermann” for four percussionists by Hans-Günter Brodmann and “Scherzo Without Instruments” by William Joseph Schinstine, take us into the dimensions of playfulness and irony so dear to Cage.



Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio
Via di Vorno, 67   55012 Vorno - Capannori, Lucca

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