Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio




17 MARCH 2018

Francesca Grilli



2018 Gold 01

16 mm video on Dvd, 2011
courtesy of Umberto Di Marino, Napoli

The performance “Gold” by Francesca Grilli is intended to reflect on the theme of revolution in which performance dimension, voice, speech and sound come together. This event represents the conclusion of the workshop, developed by Francesca Grilli with Angel Moya Garcia, aimed at students of fine arts, humanities or other subjects related to performance and singing. The participants were selected through an open call.  

The workshop starts out by revisiting a performative work from 2011 that investigated the theme of revolution and transformation, through the choice and vocal interpretation of particular historical Italian songs. In the same space, three falcons flew around freely. Now in 2018, the artist will continue to develop the performance, driven by the question, “What, today, could constitute a contemporary sung repertoire that represents the spirit of revolution?”. The workshop presented by the Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio seeked to answer this question, shifting attention from the classical revolutionary musical repertoire, to focus on current news, newspaper headlines and online information that stimulates reflection on the proposed theme. The vocal interpretation will be the result of a reading-singing of the material chosen by the participants of the workshop as a response to the request to identify a contemporary representation of revolution.

Francesca Grilli led the participants in the performative dimension, through in-depth reflection on the chosen theme: there have been physical exercises on spatiality and dialogues on the personal concept of revolution. Gloria Dardari assisted in collecting information on newspapers, online news, and television, and, for the first three days of the workshop, the workshop participants edited the information. Alessandra Bordiga worked then with the participants on voice, words and sound. The final day of the workshop was dedicated to the relationship with birds of prey and Lara Flisi assisted the participants to establish contact with the falcons involved in the performance.

The final performance will then consist of the vocal performance by the workshop participants, while the repertoire aims to resolve the question “What represents the sentiment of revolution today?” through the material selected during the week of the workshop. The feeling of disorientation that every revolution causes will be accentuated by the free flying of two falcons, while the audience is in the same room and can enter or leave the space as they wish.

TICKETS: € 5,00




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