Dello Scompiglio



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The Cucina Dello Scompiglio allows space for continuous experimentation, from the choice and treatment of raw materials from the agricultural side of the estate and vegetable garden, to the free interpretation of the artistic and cultural processes at the heart of the Dello Scompiglio project. 

Seasonal fruit and vegetables, mostly local varieties, wild flowers and “forgotten” herbs, are selected daily and their organoleptic characteristics are brought out through the use of both ancient cooking and processing methods, and modern technologies and solutions. The raw ingredients are prepared with an awareness of the history of the use of each ingredient. The local gastronomic culture thus generates surprising results, yet at the same time, still connected to tradition.

We use wild herbs and plants, such as bamboo, mountain herbs, and Alecost, analysing their characteristics both raw and after different cooking methods” explains the head cook and kitchen manager Valentina Pracchia. “Wild herbs often have filaments that are very hard to break and require diversified cooking, a longer period for the stems and a quick scald for the very tender leaves, which can also be used raw. Many of the ingredients we use are part of our gastronomic traditions but are used in an original way. This is the case with, for example, mountain herbs, which have always played an important but ancillary role in dishes such as Frantoiana soup and which are instead transformed by us into protagonists through specific cooking designed to enhance their flavour.” Cold or low-temperature maceration, in water or fat, allows the extraction of the scents of aromatic herbs or wild flowers, such as maple or elder, for the creation of oils to be consumed raw and in other preparations, tracing the complexity of the perfume of the estate’s nature. The “waste” leaves of some of the vegetables find a new life as original pesto sauce, enriched with dried fruits and delicate oils, chosen to enhance their flavour. Fruits and “forgotten” herbs become the protagonists of compotes with strong and spicy notes. Ancient techniques, such as candying fruit, and also vegetables, are revisited in ever changing gastronomic combinations.

The Cucina Dello Scompiglio has long interwoven its own path with the activities of the Cultural Association. This gives rise to special menus for tasting during the limited run and culinary staging of specific theatrical productions by the Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio.

Trilogia dell’Assenza (Trilogy of Absence) The performances that make up the “Trilogy”, presented in May and June 2013 and focused on the theme of losing and winning, its relationship with time in all its dynamics, real and otherwise, gave rise to three menus rich in chromatic references and vaguely conceptual, built on light colours, bolder games in shades of red, and unusual, yet appealing outcomes in vibrations of blue. “A great and stimulating work of research” explains Valentina Pracchia. “Remaining faithful to our principles of using only the finest quality ingredients found in nature has meant not using chemical products, such as dyes.”

In May 2013, a limited edition of the “Lavandaia, Madre” 2010 wine was also presented, with a label signed by the Spanish artist Pablo Rubio (Córdoba, 1974), created specifically to celebrate the artistic project “Trilogia dell’Assenza” (Trilogy of Absence).

Assemblaggi Provvisori (Provisional Assemblages) A multidisciplinary thematic programme ran from March 2016 to June 2017, focused on individuality in relation or in conflict with gender and more specifically with the absence of causality and coincidence between biological sex, gender (masculinity–femininity) and sexual orientation. During this season, the Cucina confounded the social and cultural stereotypes of dining, creating a dish composed of extreme juxtapositions, able to stimulate the senses with unique and daring combinations, while respecting a skilful balance of tastes and flavours. A tray conceived as a single dish of themed tastings, in which an appetiser, a first course, a second course and a side dish interact and fuse together, giving the diner a unique and unexpected personal experience.

Della morte e del morire (Of Death and Dying) The thematic programme, - which from September 2018 to December 2019 focused on individuality in relation to death and its three socio-political, ideological, and celebratory dimensions, saw the participation of the Cucina both with dedicated dishes and with small details and culinary settings. “Aware of the vastness of the theme,” explains Valentina Pracchia, “we focused on the aspect of death as a beginning, and not an end, recreating all our most celebrated meal endings in a savoury key.” Thus was born the vegetarian appetiser “The End as a Beginning”, which seems entirely made up of dessert and ends with a “caffè macchiato” that is not a coffee.

“After the enthusiasm generated by continuous research,” continues Valentina Pracchia at the performance of ‘On the corner’ “we then caramelised the roses from the estate, and were very proud to contribute to the table setting on Collina dell'Uccelliera (Aviary Hill), using fruit freshly picked on site and vegetables prepared with very different cooking and flavourings.”

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Menù Trilogia dell'Assenza

Tesorino, perché hai perso?
Riflessi in bianco e nero
Kind of Blue

18 maggio-2 giugno 2013
vedi programma completo >>

Tesorino, perché hai perso?

Straccetti al germe di grano con pecorino semistagionato e pere

Uova di Lando al tegamino con pomodorini e tartufo bianchetto

Panna cotta ai due colori con mandorle caramellate

1 bicchiere di vino Lavandaia, Madre 2010

Menù completo (escluso caffé)
coperto incluso

Riflessi in bianco e nero

Orzotto alle barbabietole rosse con spuma al gorgonzola e sale nero

Tomino alla piastra su petali di rosa rossa e radicchio stufato

Tortino di cioccolato bianco con salsa alle fragole e scaglie di cioccolato fondente

1 bicchiere di vino Lavandaia, Madre 2010

Menù completo (escluso caffé)
coperto incluso

Kind of Blue

Patate blu fritte e pinzimonio di carote, fagiolini e cipolle sbollentati con ricotta fresca e fiori di borraggine €6,00

Insalatona con fichi secchi e mozzarella di bufala

Mini barattolo Caffè al vetro con granella di nocciole e cioccolato

1 bicchiere di vino Lavandaia, Madre 2010

Menù completo (escluso caffé)
€20,00 coperto incluso

Cucina Dello Scompiglio

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The dishes offered by Cucina Dello Scompiglio use raw ingredients from the organic vegetable garden of the estate wherever possible. Seasonal fruit and vegetables, mostly local varieties, wild flowers and “forgotten” herbs, are selected daily and their organoleptic characteristics are brought out through the use of both ancient cooking and processing methods, and modern technologies and solutions. The raw ingredients are prepared with an awareness of the history of the use of each ingredient. The local gastronomic culture thus generates surprising results, yet at the same time, still connected to tradition.

The continuous experimentation also extends into the artistic field and finds its expression in the free reinterpretation of some of the projects carried out at the Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio. This gives rise to special menus for tasting during the limited run and culinary staging of specific theatrical productions.

I nostri piatti

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Located in the first building visible on arrival at the estate, the Cucina dello Scompiglio was refurbished according to the most up to date techniques of bioarchitecture, out of the old barn, once a meeting point of outside workers. Its identity and history continue, coming to light in the warm and bright rooms and the “a mandolata” walls, in the typical Lucchese style. There are over eighty covers distributed throughout the inside spaces, which constitute a large room, a wide mezzanine suitable for small groups, and a smoking room. All the spaces are acoustically arranged for better comfort, thanks to a project by Studio Antea. For fine weather, we have a wide outdoor deck, encircled by the vineyards of the estate, surrounded by the scents of medicinal plants and flower borders, from which you can enjoy a wonderful view of the surroundings which extend towards the Apuan Alps.


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Lunch time at Scompiglio – From Wednesday to Friday, a different menu every day inspired by the produce grown in the vegetable garden of the estate, situated close to the restaurant, with produce grown according to organic principles. The scents and textures of the vegetables, harvested daily, are the protagonists of the dishes on the menu, including salads, crostoni and first courses with organic pasta made from selected Tuscan grains. Our dishes are created entirely in our kitchen, without externally semi-finished products. Bread and focaccia are prepared artisanally; eggs, cheeses and cured meats are sourced from small local producers. Dessert menu available at lunch and dinner.

In fine weather, it is possible to sit outside.

Discover our menus, different each day, on our Instagram Instagram, Facebook and on our Telegram channel Dello Scompiglio.

Dello Scompiglio à la Carte – From Thursday to Sunday for dinner, and Saturday and Sunday also for lunch: a menu in harmony with the seasonal cycles and in which the cornerstone of the creative process is the produce, mostly ancient, typical and local varieties, grown in the organic vegetable garden of the estate.

Although staying overnight is permitted only for artists in residence, the Cucina Dello Scompiglio follows its agritourism vocation, preferring, where possible, to produce its own creams, preserves, extracts and jams prepared using the vegetables and fruit of the estate, as well as artisan bread, semi-finished products, bases and desserts.

All raw ingredients are prepared individually to enhance taste, but also in order to create vegetarian alternatives and address specific dietary requirements.

We also offer Tuscan products, such as Val d’Orcia pasta dried at low temperatures to maintain its nutritional and organoleptic properties; meat, cured meats and cheeses, from selected top quality suppliers; and Tuscan organic fruit juices such as apple, blueberry, blackberry and raspberry.

In our cellar - The "Lavandaia" wines, the Tuscan IGT organic reds, produced at the Tenuta with the oenologist Claudio Gori, according to the principles of natural vinification and respecting the territory, are the headline wines of our cellar, together with the grappa“Lavandaia, Nonna”, obtained by fermenting the pomace of Sangiovese, Canaiolo, Colorino e Syrah grapes.

The wine list, which is constantly evolving, offers a selection particularly orientated towards Tuscan and organic wines, with some excellent examples from the biodynamic world, as well as an interesting choice of Tuscan liqueurs and artisan beers, from small local producers.

Wine tastings are possible by prior reservation at Cucina Dello Scompiglio. A minimum number of participants is not required.

Summer Camp – During the Dello Scompiglio Summer Camp, held every year in the last three weeks of June and aimed at primary school children, the Cucina Dello Scompiglio prepares the meals, with breakfast and snacks of homemade biscuits and cakes, and lunches which always include a first and second course, all freshly prepared using simple and healthy ingredients, and “zero food miles” wherever possible, for complete and balanced menus. Together with the kitchen staff, and under the supervision of the teachers, the children are also involved in the preparation of pizza and bread, as well as biscuits and cakes, to take home and eat with their families.


+39 338 6118730

We accept the following credit cards: Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, VPay, JCB and pagobancomat

Cucina Dello Scompiglio
via di Vorno 67 / B
55012 Vorno, Capannori (LU)



Giovedì 1 Agosto alle ore 20.30 la Cucina Dello Scompiglio organizza un menù speciale dedicato al gelato

in collaborazione con Cremeria Opera

giovedì 1 Agosto

ore 20.30


Caprese glaciale di formaggio fresco, gelato al pomodoro, basilico e olio

Paccheri al ragù di verdure dell'orto con gelato ai peperoni

Filetto di manzo con gelato di Lavandaia, Madre 2010 e tortino di patate e fiori di zucca


Verdurine grigliate con panatura al pecorino stagionato e erbette aromatiche con gelato al Lavandaia, Madre 2010 **

Gelato al miele e polline su cialda alle mandorle

Acqua, vino Lavandaia, Madre 2010, caffè


Prezzo € 30,00  (€ 25,00 nella variante vegetariana **)

Cucina Dello Scompiglio
via di Vorno, 67/B - Vorno (LU)
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Informazioni e prenotazioni
tel +39 338 6118730
tel +39 0583 971473



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