Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



22 sePtembER - 6 oCtobER 2024

Autumn Equinox 2024
Contemporary art routes in Tuscany

2024 1200x500 equinozio 01

Equinozio d'Autunno (Autumn Equinox) is a calendar project that promotes the main activities and events of contemporary art in Tuscany in defined periods, such as the first two weeks of Autumn and Spring.
The aim is to share and disseminate relevant information on public institutions and private realities operating in the sector and representing the cutting edge of this region's cultural offer. The project intends to regularly organise contemporary art in Tuscany and leverage communication while fully respecting the design and management autonomy of each venue.
Autumn Equinox includes the programme of events from 22 September to 6 October 2024 and is promoted, integrated and updated through the websites of the various participating art and cultural venues, coordinated by the Luigi Pecci Centre for Contemporary Art.






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