Dello Scompiglio

Dello Scompiglio



2024 1200x500 bando selezione 01

Dream Laboratory

proJECT BY Gianluca Trusso Forgia
25th april -1st may 2024

open call deadline: 25th MARch 2024

The Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio is pleased to announce an open call to participate in the workshop, Dream Laboratory, led by Gianluca Trusso Forgia, which will be a residential retreat, focused on experiencing a deeper connection between the individual, their biological rhythms, and the dream imaginary.The project was born during the development of the “il Giardino segreto” (“The Secret Garden”) residency.

Gianluca Trusso Forgia and the Artistic Direction, thanking once more all the artists who applied for the residence “Officine Oniriche”, are pleased to release the shortlist of the winners.

We will contact you individually in order to define the details of the residence.

- Giulia Mattera

- Laura Rambelli

- Adelaide Gnecchi Ruscone

- Jacopo Natoli

- Niccolò Denapoli

- Mattia Bacchetti

Download here the open call and the application and privacy forms.


Associazione Culturale Dello Scompiglio
artistic director Cecilia Bertoni
Via di Vorno, 67 | 55012 Vorno, Capannori (LU)
tel. +39 (0)583971475 | 0583971125
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Tenuta Dello Scompiglio




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